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Everything posted by MayorOrange

  1. I actually emailed the grad coordinator today as well, I had heard from her before that they're plan is to let everyone know by the middle of March. She mentioned today that she was going to contact area heads early next week to try to see where they're at and get info out soon. And like anonymous user said, each area works at their own rate.
  2. Well, no Iowa. Hope is slowly dwindling.
  3. Well, I was emailed a rejection on 2/5 from them. Maybe if you haven't heard quite yet, good news for you?
  4. http://www.thegradcafe.com/survey/index.php?q=iowa My isis still says "in progress" as well
  5. Just noticed a rejection from Iowa on the results search for painting. Anyone else hear from them? I'm curious as I live just outside Iowa City and haven't heard anything yet.
  6. Just talked to a friend currently at Iowa. It was only briefly, but he said they narrow it down to about a dozen applicants then narrow even further by talking to current grad students and then vote. From the way he talked it sounded like he hadn't seen any portfolios yet, but like I said it was brief as he had to run to class. Hope this is helpful.
  7. Has anyone heard from Iowa, good or bad? Looks like last year the acceptances for phone calls in early February.
  8. I remember seeing something on here about SlideRoom where if they changed the title to MFA or something like that it was a good sign. Can't remember what school this was mentioned about, maybe Columbia? Anyway, anyone know of anything like this for UC Berkeley? (Thanks! long time lurking, first post.) Congrats everyone who has gotten good news so far!
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