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Posts posted by things_x2





    Seems like your intuition is telling you that you'll get exactly what you need and feel comfortable and happy at RISD. Any amount of debt is obviously undesirable-- but depending how much undergrad put you in the hole, 40k wouldn't be the wildest amount to incur. Personally, I'd consider pulling the trigger here. Maybe I'm a bit biased here, as a former Bostonian who spent a lot of time in/love Providence with some close friends who are RISD alum. I'm also speaking as someone who was faced with the option of going to a very inexpensive school this fall (which I felt completely uncomfortable at) and I've decided to re-apply for next year.


    That's also promising that they honored your financial appeal, because who knows -- perhaps they'll consider giving you more for your second year? 


    to YOLO, or not to YOLO... maybe I should start a 2k15 thread.. 


    May I ask which school?

  2. Wow, that's an intense discussion. I think there should be no room for rudeness / snarkyness here!


    @advicefortheywhoneedit: The discussion on the worth or value of an expensive MFA degree can have no end. Clearly you believe that its absolute financial suicide - which I agree with, to some extent. But remember: your opinion is yours alone, and your advice is not just for those who need it, but those who want it too. Not to say you can't share it, but maybe not so aggressively? Honestly, what you wrote is nothing new - most of us are aware of this unfortunate reality - so a gentle reminder would have gone down much better than a you-idiotic-people-are-so-stupid rant.


    I agree totally with @klp. I probably won't go to Yale, or to RCA, but just knowing I got in is a great feeling. As an international student, I obviously don't want to spend a little less to go to a more local school when it's already such an investment for me to go outside to study. Honestly, reputation matters, especially when you're moving out of your comfort zone. And hope lives eternal - as long as there's the slightest chance to get some funding why won't you try? You might have a problem with the inherent "value" of an expensive degree, but there's no denying that they do offer better infrastructure and faculty and exposure (in most cases) and definitely increase (initially at least) your own sense of self-worth. You know, a bit like Apple vs everything else  -_-



    very democratically put. 

  3. As a fellow artist and recently accepted MFA who has been lurking on here just like the rest of you, I would like to ponder why anyone would be willing to go into $100,000 dollars worth of debt for an MFA degree? I notice so many of you applying to SAIC, RISD, Columbia etc etc and then reacting with astonishment when you are not given a full-ride to these over-priced, generic institutions. $42,000-$60,000 tuition annually plus at least $20,000 per year in living expenses alone puts you in a mound of debt that you will never be able to pay back. Not only that, but it will cripple you artistically, and indefinitely. It's suicide.  


    So, why waste your time, and ours? Why apply to SAIC, RISD, Columbia etc knowing full-well that you cannot pay if accepted? Especially knowing these money pots have limited resources for you? Why not find a means of paying these expenses before you waste the reviewer's time, and also the people who could have afforded to attend and may have been pushed aside while you knew full well you couldn't afford it even if accepted? Why not do some research as to the costs and benefits of these institutions before you even apply?


    *Just a dose of tough love by a concerned colleague. No MFA is worth $120,000 in debt for a degree, and an abstract sense of 'connections' it MAYBE will get you. The reality is, you will likely be making a meager income at best, with $800 a month payments to your new owners. And no, I am not a millionaire just in case you think I'm some spoiled rich kid with everything made. Wise up people!    

    So curious as to where you will do your MFA. The climax to this statement overwhelms me. 

  4. i would contact columbia university. there should be someone that can help you there, i hope. i hope it all works out for you. it would be an amazing experience to study at columbia. i wish you the best of luck. 

    Hello all,

     am stressing out badly and i need everyone to just advice, am super confused if am gonna loose grad school this year again due to funding. I applied to only 3 schools for sculpture, Yale- waitlisted, columbia- accepted, hunter- accepted. now, columbia is offering 25,000 financial aid withTA inclusive while the total I need for a session is about 81,000.  Hunter is not offering anything. so, am an international student and there are no local bursaries or loans i can leverage on. I have to accept to columbia by the 15th and pay $800, am not sure where to get money to go and WHAT CAN I DO? Any Ideas for an African student on where i can get resources?

  5. Has anyone else been offer admission to SUNY Purchase? I've already passed the deadline for a different program that is waiting on my decision and I think Purchase is the school for me but I won't be able to visit the school. Have anyone visited or went to Interview day at the campus? Any extra insight into the program or its reputation would be fantastic. 


    I'm Canadian and I have to make  decision between attending Purchase with some great funding but still not a full ride and staying in Canada where I will be paid for school. I know there's been some discussion on this forum regarding money vs reputation but I feel the decision between schools here that are fantastic programs and schools close to NYC with some debt is more complicated than that. I'm not looking for a clear answer on what to do but maybe more of any thoughts on Purchase SUNY if anyone has any. 


    Thanks so much! 


    I'm wishing everyone the best of luck in their applications and decision making! 

    SUNY Purchase. Good program, close to New York, a great entrance into the NYC art scene. 

  6. I just got a rejection letter from yale but they are asking that if I want to be on the waiting list, they can put on should there be an opening. Is there any need asking them to put me on waiting list?


    i know someone who went from wait list to accepted. you may wait a long time but if you want to go there it is worth a shot.

  7. Nice, congratulations! Best of luck with your interview.


    Glad that USC's notification schedule will be a little less mysterious after this round.


    Just a note to anyone who may be new to this forum...for the benefit of future applicants, please post your results under the "submit results" tab at the top of the page (under the coffee cup). cheers.


    Thank you kafralal. Has anyone else heard from UCLA? I do remember the remarks from earlier.

  8. Heh, you and I had pretty much the same list. Yale, Columbia, Hunter, USC - then I also applied to CalArts and Tyler. Fingers crossed for USC or CalArts to pull through but I'm pretty sure I'll be applying next year - with a stronger portfolio and more things on my resume. Definitely something to look forward to!


    Are you going to the CalArts interview?


    And yes, ha we did. I almost applied to Tyler and CalArts but I then thought against both. Funny world.


    Next year I will apply to Bard--strong program--I was just unsure of the low-res thing, plus, I know they are incredibly selective. Now that I have taken on a full-time work that I am proud to keep, the Bard situation is increasing in its appeal.

  9. ugh. no hunter call. how disappointing. this is my first year applying, i dont know if i can do this again. 

    Bathtub, don't get down. This is a process.


    Honestly, we all need to remember this. The art world is full of rejections and this is just the start. The key is to keep on keeping on.

    I wanted to get into Yale sculpture so badly and did not get an interview. I will reapply next year unless UCLA/USC/Hunter pans out (to be honest, I foresee myself revisiting this experience next year). I was very austere in my selection: Yale, Columbia, Hunter, UCLA and USC.


    I look forward to a more confident portfolio application next year. Another opportunity to keep on working.

  10. Hi things_x2,


    Great to hear from someone who studied at GSA! Like JoJoYang, I've also been very curious about their M.Des. Communication Design programme. I just got an acceptance yesterday!


    I understand that you were in a different programme, but what did you think about the course work in general, and student satisfaction and growth? For me this is really the most important aspect.


    JoJoYang - were you asked to respond (decline /  accept + pay deposit) within two weeks of receiving your offer? I feel that this is really too little time, especially when I'm looking at funding options and also considering other programmes.

    Hi Hi.


    In terms of my own experience, I would say that the course work is mainly independently directed and that the bond between students is the core element of the school. If you are looking for a lot of engagement, while I can't speak for the program in specific that you are applying to, I would suggest looking elsewhere than Glasgow. 


    I hope this was somewhat helpful. I cannot stress enough the importance of maintaining a practice post-degree in the location you choose to study. This will be a problem from international students, as was my experience.

  11. Hi!


    I would love to find out more about GSA! Were you an international student? How was that like? What is it like to live in Glasgow? Did you graduate with ridiculous amount of debt? What major were you? Do you have any experience with the Communication Design Department? How hard is it to get it? How many people are in the program? If you are familiar with ComDes, is the school aim towards more commercial or academia aproach in educating their students? There are just some questions I have, please feel free to elaborate!


    Thanks so much!

    Hi JoJoYang.


    Yes, I was an international student. I graduated from the BA (Hons) Fine Art in Sculpture and Environmental Art--the UK's equivalent to a BFA. 


    I don't have experience studying Communication Design, however, I did have friends in that department. From what I gather, it was more service industry and less technical.


    Glasgow as a city is an amazing place to be an artist, however, in all honestly, I am not sure I would recommend studying design there. Something to consider--perhaps as a designer--is the likelihood of job placement post-degree. I know a lot of designers eventually moved down to London, because the jobs are not there. And yet, the art community is small, growing and quite strong. Glasgow has an incredible energy for production, however, the departments are stretched because of finances.


    MFA Fine Art applicants, I really recommend looking further into your resources as students, faculty involvement etc. 


    Yes, I had less student debt than if I were to get the same degree in the US (I received a US BA degree prior to), however, my access to things as a student felt compromised. Glasgow's strength lies in its DIY scene and its reputation which it has maintained despite some strain. You really have to be quite strategic in order to figure out how to stay, visa wise, post degree. The loss of community in the inevitable return stateside, perhaps, is the biggest compromise you make as a US citizen studying abroad.

  12. Ok. I apologize to all, since I have been quietly trolling this feed for more than a month.


    I should probably note that I received my BFA from the Glasgow School of Art and was surprised to see that there were many applicants for the MFA here. Perhaps I can answer some general Glasgow questions.


    In terms of the UPenn interview push, I have a friend in the program and I know that the head of school recently passed so this move is most likely a result of  big internal changes/disruption. 


    Any news from UCLA yet? 


    Yale- rejected





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