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  1. Yeah, I started looking at research institutions for the summer however there are so many of them and I'm not familiar with how the field works. Do you have any recommendations for research institutions or grants for individuals out of school? Edit- actually, an MA an anthropology seems just fine too. I don't know why I haven't considered that- I guess I was limiting myself with PhD programs. I might as well try MAs, I enjoy learning anyways so it's not really that big of a deal if I get into a phD sooner or later. Thanks
  2. I forgot to mentioned that I'm interested in Phd programs (sociocultural anthropology) not MAs. I have a M.Ed. in higher education and so I'm trying to switch to a research career instead in anthro because it's exacty what I'm interested in and where my talents are. DigDeep- thanks alot for your advice! I have been looking up intro level syllabi for anthro classes and reading books so that I can learn the basics. I also have compiled list of all important books in anthropology that I need to be acquainted with in addition to research that is relevant to my topics of interest. AKCarlton- thanks for you advice! I welcome any other suggestions
  3. That KOD was so helpful. I read all of it and saved it for when I start writing my personal statements. Thank you so much. This page is like a treasure chest. Now if I only had a time machine to accelerate this process...
  4. Hi everyone so I recently discovered that my research interests are in anthropology and have thus began to try to find programs- all in California as that is where I want to live and work. However, I haven't taken any classes in anthropology when I was in undergrad; I majored in Political Theory and Sociology. So what I'm wondering is, do people usually have some sort of research experience in anthropology in undergrad to be able to get accepted in Anthro for admissions? And if research is needed or helps, do you have any ideas how an individual who is no longer a college student can get research experience in the area? Thanks
  5. I did not know all of that. Thank you for your advice You are right; my interests are more in theory, identity development and qualitative than they are in quanitative research so I will use your advice and look at those departments. Thanks for your help Any other suggestions are definetely welcome. Also, I would really like to find programs that are non-competitve and more collaborate. If any of you have suggestions on what qualities to look for or any specific programs that have a more collegial and supportive atmosphere, I would appereciate the input I will look in other topics here in this forum but if you'd like to reply here, I wouldn't mind it )
  6. Thank you, I will take a look at those. I have lived in the Midwest and the East coast and I did not enjoy either so I'm looking for a good fit in terms of school and life. I do have my research interests narrowed down, it's just that I am only looking for programs in California for personal reasons. I do know that there are programs outside of Cali that are stronger for my interests (mainly middle eastern studies, culture, islamophobia, critical race theory, and media studies) but I'd like to stay in California. But if you know of any programs that match the interests that I mentioned, I'd appreciate hearing about them )
  7. Hi everyone I'm currently in the process of applying to graduate school and I am in the beginning stages of planning. I've compiled a list of ph.d. sociology programs in California but I want to see if I have missed any that any of you might know of. Currently, I have the following in my list: UC IRVINE UC DAVIS UC SANTA CRUZ UC LA UC SD UC BEREKLEY Stanford USC Have I missed any that I should take a look at? I'm not looking for any specific characteristics only ph.d. in sociology in California.
  8. Thank you for the Communications idea, I have not thought of that. I'm looking into some right now. Anyone else have any other ideas?
  9. I'm looking into getting a Ph.D. in a year or two and I was wondering if any of you know of Ph.D. programs that are interdisciplinary, focus on writing as an art form and speaking and that are located in California? I've already researched some and I've found UC Berkely and I really love their program however, I would like to have more options. Do you know of any other departments that I can look into that have the interests I mentioned (interdisciplinary, focus on writing and speaking, CA)?
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