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Everything posted by jhicks18

  1. Hi everyone, I'll try to keep this brief. I was accepted to both the MSW programs at BC and BU (and Simmons, but I have ruled them out). My interests are somewhat broad, but I am mostly interested in clinical work with adult individuals with mood disorders/anxiety. My strengths and interests lie in CBT/DBT behavioral work, but I value a more well-rounded clinical skill set including some more psychodynamic approaches and theories/approaches pertaining to couples/families. From my impressions, BC appears to have a strong clinical reputation and BU is known for a stronger macro program (which I am not interested in). This information was given to me from coworkers who graduated from these programs 20 years or so ago. I want to choose a program that will give me the strongest clinical background to get me started in the right direction post graduation. Given that BC is 10k more expensive, I really wondering if their clinical reputation is really worth that much more... or if BU will train me just as well. BC appears to have specific classes that are more in line with my interests, but BU has some certificate programs that BC does not offer and that I am interested in as well. I was hoping some current students from either program or those who accepted an offer from either program could lend their insights. I want to make this decision really soon as to give my spot up for someone on the wait list for either school. Thanks!
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