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Posts posted by ccc2012

  1. No it's not.

    US News & World Report 2012:

    Engineering: UCLA (#16), UCSB (#21)

    EE: UCLA (#13), UCSB (#16)

    CS: UCLA (#14), UCSB (#35)

    CS-Systems: UCLA (#15), UCSB (n/a)

    CpE: UCLA (n/a), UCSB (#18)

    Plus, UCLA has a much better name than UCSB in industry. And, with the research I did (I was considering both of these schools as well), students seemed to like UCLA better with the exception of the social scene. I'm not going to either school, though.

  2. Wow, you and I have similar backgrounds / interests. I would choose UCLA over UCSB. If you want to party or if you want a better social scene, you might want to choose UCSB. Otherwise, I think UCLA is better in all other respects. Good luck!

  3. codejunkie, I had a lot of trouble figuring out who should write my LoRs. I'm lucky in a way, because both my boss (Engineering Manager) and his boss (former VP of Engineering, now President) think that I'm the best engineer they've ever worked with. Cornell only wanted 2 LoRs, so I gave them those two. The rest wanted 3. My options were mostly bad at this point. I had a professor I took back in school for two courses. I asked a million questions in those classes and talked with him a bit after class. He actually did remember me, but couldn't really say much about me. The other option was the Plant Manager (with a EE background) at my last company. I really came through for him on multiple occasions and he knew me well. Basically he "owed me" and I figured I could get a good LoR from him. The problem was that every school (including Cornell) wanted at least 1 LoR (or 2) from a professor. To make matters worse, my professor was only willing to write an LoR and submit to 5 schools. So for Stanford, Berkeley, UCLA, USC, and UCI, I chose the professor. For the others I chose the Plant Manager. Clearly that was the wrong decision. The better schools that accepted me were the ones that didn't get the professor's LoR. Even though CMU and Cornell both said they wanted an LoR from a professor, they admitted me without one! Stanford and Berkeley rejected me, and I would suspect having 1 awful LoR really played into that decision quite a bit.

    I hope that helps you and I wish I knew that before applying. If you have other questions, feel free to PM me, since I know there are few of us in this boat that can answer questions. It seems like most on this forum are 4.0/800/800/6 with 10+ publications.

  4. Can you please share your profile?

    Pretty bad I think. My SoP and LoRs must have been amazing, if I got into CMU/Cornell.

    GPA: ~3.4

    GRE: 800 / 520 / 5.0

    Research: None

    Awards, etc: None

    Experience: 4 years industry experience as a Firmware Engineer (very related to MS). Also I was the main driver behind an invention that could have been patented, but we decided not to go through with it (small company). I also started my own company (which seriously was not a big deal at all), but it was profitable and I sold it. Given my record, I figured I had a decent shot at Stanford, honestly.

  5. With all due respect, I'm surprised you aren't considering Cornell more than you are? Cornell is not just an engineering-known school so it will be well diversified, it's an Ivy League school so you'll have the name and respect of one, and even better it's a top-10 engineering school for computer engineering.

    I figured somebody might say this. I basically put all the schools in buckets. Bucket #1: closer, cheaper, social life. Bucket #2: far, expensive, better opportunities. Bucket #1: USC, UCSB, UCI, UCLA, UCSD; Bucket #2: CMU, Cornell, UMich. It was far easier for me to compare schools within buckets than between the buckets. I'd rather go to USC or UCLA in bucket #1 than any other in that bucket. In bucket #2 I'd rather go to CMU or Cornell than UMich. Between USC and UCLA, I'd much prefer USC. My dad went there for his MBA, I already have a lot of contacts there, USC has a Computer Engineering program (UCLA does not), and I just like the school better overall than UCLA (although UCLA is cheaper). Between CMU and Cornell, Cornell is offering a MEng which is a big problem if I do like research. Also, I'd prefer Pittsburgh over Ithaca. And CMU is more highly ranked than Cornell. However, you do make a very good point that Cornell is well diversified (where CMU is obviously mainly Engineering). I'll have to think on that some more.

    Don't get me wrong, CMU would most likely be my top choice due to how well their program is especially for electrical/computer engineering/computer science. UMichigan is also an excellent choice, i visited their campus and it surely is a beautiful one.

    Yes, Bucket #2 is definitely a harder choice than Bucket #1.

    I'd personally eliminate UCI, don't think it matches up well. USC is a top program as well, but considering the other schools you've gotten accepted into, i'd put that on the back burner.

    Interesting. Yea, I've pretty much eliminated UCI/UCSD/UCSB completely. The top contenders are USC/CMU for me. Secondary ones are Cornell, UMich, and UCLA.

    There are other things to consider though, take a look at the course offerings, see if you can come up with AT LEAST 12-15 courses you'd want to take. See if any of those schools will give you a chance for funding (TA/RA).

    Yes, I plan on looking into this. I applied to a fellowship from USC, which I think I have a decent shot at getting (though my GPA is a bit low, so I may not).

    Are you planning on doing a MS-thesis? Or just coursework MS?

    I'm planning on doing an MS-thesis (gives me exposure to research).

    My honest list would go like this:






    Why UCLA over USC?

  6. Rejected: Stanford, Berkeley, UIUC

    Accepted: CMU!, Cornell! (MEng), USC, UCSB, UCI

    Waiting: UMich, UCLA, UCSD


    • At each school, I applied to the closest thing to a MS Computer Engineering, with a focus in Systems Software & Computer Architecture (which is my interest).
    • I don't know if I want to go on to get a PhD. I haven't done any research before, and I would like the chance to do so, before I decide whether an MS or PhD will be my terminal degree.
    • I live in Southern California already (which makes USC, UCSB, UCI, UCLA, UCSD all close to me)
    • Obviously, a great education and good future is very important to me, but I would really like to be at a school with a better social life (which makes USC more appealing and CMU less appealing).

    I've already decided to eliminate UCSD (so I don't care if they accept/reject). From what I've read online (reviews, ratings, rankings, etc), it just doesn't sound good (plus, I have better options anyway I think).

    Assuming I get into UMich and UCLA, which school should I go to? (or which ones are obvious to eliminate?)

    Thanks! :)

  7. Rejected: Stanford, Berkeley, UIUC

    Accepted: CMU!, Cornell! (MEng), USC, UCSB, UCI

    Waiting: Ann Arbor, UCLA, UCSD


    • At each school, I applied to the closest thing to a MS Computer Engineering, with a focus in Systems Software & Computer Architecture (which is my interest).
    • I don't know if I want to go on to get a PhD. I haven't done any research before, and I would like the chance to do so, before I decide whether an MS or PhD will be my terminal degree.
    • I live in Southern California already (which makes USC, UCSB, UCI, UCLA, UCSD all close to me)
    • Obviously, a great education and good future is very important to me, but I would really like to be at a school with a better social life (which makes USC more appealing and CMU less appealing).

    I've already decided to eliminate UCSD (so I don't care if they accept/reject). From what I've read online (reviews, ratings, rankings, etc), it just doesn't sound good (plus, I have better options anyway I think).

    Assuming I get into Ann Arbor and UCLA, which school should I go to? (or which ones are obvious to eliminate?)

    Thanks! :)

  8. Man, this is a public forum. By mentioning your prospective recommender's names and your plans of "using" them, you certainly aren't helping yourself. Besides, recommendations from family friends wouldn't help much unless you did some work for them(research/internship etc.) in a professional or an academic setting.

    Point taken. Since you're saying that they won't help much, I assume you're saying that my old professor (who barely knows me) is better? You have to realize my options are pretty slim.

  9. One of the schools I'm applying to is USC. There are two more possibilities there.

    • Former Director of IBEAR MBA program at USC
    • Current Director of IBEAR MBA program at USC

    Both of them have been long time friends of the family. However, I'm not applying for an MBA.

    For USC, would it be better to use them instead of my old Engineering professor (who barely knows me)?

    For other schools, would it be better to use them or my professor?

  10. I would try to reach out to former professors and see if they do remember you or would at least be willing to refresh their memory. If that doesn't work, then go with all work references, but you should have at least one professor.

    There's one professor in particular that I had 2 classes with. I sat in front in both courses, and I showed enthusiasm/passion by asking a million questions every day. But he can't say much more about me. Is that acceptable?

  11. I'm applying for an MS in Computer Engineering.

    I have no research experience, but I do have 4 years of work experience (including an internship):

    These are my options:

    • Current company: VP of Engineering -- knows me very well
    • Current company: Engineering Manager -- my boss
    • Current company: Fellow Engineer
    • Last company: Plant Manager -- I worked my butt off on a project he desperately needed
    • Internship: Manager -- my boss there, but he probably can't say much about me now
    • School: Most professors wouldn't remember me at all. The very few who do would remember that I asked a million questions and I was passionate about the topic. But they really can't say more than that about me.

    I know most schools want at least 1 professor, but I don't know what to do. Any help? Thanks.

  12. Your odds of getting into Berkeley or Stanford's EE PhD programs are essentially zero. You might get accepted into Stanford's Master's only program, but even that would be a long shot. I would have recommended applying to some programs in between Berkeley and Stanford and Irvine in terms of prestige, but it's obviously a little late for this application cycle. If you end up reapplying next year though, I would consider this.

    In the mean time, if you do want to go to grad school I would certainly try to get some research experience.

    Why are my chances essentially zero? Also, in what ways can I gain research experience in the meantime?

  13. We are on the same boat!

    I have been working for 4 years in a pharma industry, and had reserach during my studies, but I have only published like....2 papers.

    My university is very much teaching oriented, and not research oriented.

    Just to let you know, that you have a friend on this subject!;)

    Heh. Good to know. At least you have papers published and did some research. I have done nothing.

  14. I'm applying to an EECS grad program (either PhD or MS) for the 2011 year, and I have NO research experience.

    Does anybody know how bad this actually hurts me? Is there anything I can do to mitigate this deficiency?

    I do have about 3 years of industry experience (as I went the industry route instead of the research route). Is this helpful?

  15. A few things,

    I'm not entirely sure you count as a minority, (I'm asian and almost every engineering school explicitly states that I don't count) so I wouldn't expect it to help you on an application.

    some CS programs also look at practical experience, ie if you have completed large programming projects, those could help.

    If you're going EE, your GPA is about on the cut-off for most top programs.

    Stanford, in general, places more worth on entrepreneurial spirit than other schools.

    Berkeley, when I applied, had 2800 applicants for less than 100 spots, but that was the first year of the current recession so it's probably better now, but the competition will still be very stiff.

    What focus exactly are you applying for? from your profile I would guess some mix of computer architecture/software engineering. Different sub-fields in EE value different things in an applicant, and also sometimes have different schools sitting at the top.

    I don't know if I count as a minority, but I certainly feel like one (being mixed).

    Yes, I have completed large projects.

    And yes, I'd be applying for the area of computer architecture / firmware / systems level / etc, depending on the school.

    You made me think of another question though... some of these schools (Stanford, for example), have an EE program and a CS program that both fit the degree that I'm looking for. Is it easier to get into one over the other?

    Would I have better chances of getting in a couple years down the road? Does it hurt to apply to a school, get rejected, then apply again the next year (instead of just applying the next year, when your profile has improved)

    Thanks for all your help.

  16. At least for a CS PhD, the only part that really matters is your research experience. Of course this is only my opinion, but I'd say with no research experience you have no shot at getting into a top 10 university. I don't know what the admission process is like for engineering or MS programs, but since you said "EECS" and mentioned a PhD...

    That said, good luck and I hope you prove me wrong!

    Yeah, I figured. Should I try to do research now, after I've graduated? Is that possible? Is that worth doing, or should I focus my efforts elsewhere?

  17. Undergrad Institution: UC Irvine (Rank: 46, Tier 1)

    Major(s): Computer Engineering

    GPA in Major: 3.33

    Overall GPA: 3.28

    Length of Degree: 2 yrs at CC, 2 yrs at UCI (didn't attend college 1st yr out of HS due to personal/family reasons)

    Position in Class: Better than average, I would guess

    Type of Student: Domestic Male Minority (white/asian mixed)

    GRE Scores:

    Q: 800

    V: 530

    W: 6.0

    Research Experience: None :(

    Awards/Honors/Recognitions: Dean's List. Have about 7 extracurricular awards (non-school related).

    Pertinent Activities or Jobs:

    2yrs, owner/sole-operater of an online business (while I was in school)

    1yr, Engineering Intern, Broadcom (while I was in school)

    1.5yrs, Embedded Engineer, Eaton

    0.5yrs, Firmware Engineer, Marway (current position)

    Applying for MS or PhD at:

    Stanford - EE - 2011 (expecting rejection)

    Berkeley - EECS - 2011 (expecting rejection)

    UC Irvine - EECS - 2011 (expecting acceptance) -- they almost begged me to enter the program in 2008.

    Any Miscellaneous Accomplishments that Might Help:

    I've been recognized as a great engineer and leader at my current position at Marway. I have a lot of respect from the VP of Engineering here, and I'm sure I'll be able to get a great letter of recommendation from him. I'm also one of the unlucky few who comes from a broken home, and I had to pay my own way through college. Because of this, I was working two jobs most of the time I was at UC Irvine.

    Because of the lack of available engineering courses at my community college, I was forced to take 18-20 units every quarter at UCI if I wanted to graduate on time. Taking this many units, running my online business, and working at my internship took a toll on my grades (I was getting ~3.0 those quarters, the others quarters I got 3.5+). I regret this. Instead of the internship, I should have done research. And instead of taking 2 yrs at UCI, I should have finished in 3 yrs. My GPA would be much higher, I think.

    It's more important to me than anything to get into a good institution right now. If there's some part of my profile that I can improve on to better my chances, please let me know what that is. Any other advice?

  18. @cleff: you give me hope :)

    Undergrad Institution: UC Irvine (Rank: 46, Tier 1)

    Major(s): Computer Engineering

    GPA in Major: 3.33

    Overall GPA: 3.28

    Length of Degree: 2 yrs at CC, 2 yrs at UCI (didn't attend college 1st yr out of HS due to personal/family reasons)

    Position in Class: Better than average, I would guess

    Type of Student: Domestic Male Minority (ethnically diverse)

    GRE Scores:

    Q: 800

    V: 530

    W: 6.0

    Research Experience: None :(

    Awards/Honors/Recognitions: Nothing notable within school, unless being on the dean's list counts. Have about 10 extracurricular awards.

    Pertinent Activities or Jobs:

    2yrs, owner/sole-operater of an online business

    1yr, Engineering Intern, Broadcom

    1.5yrs, Embedded Engineer, Eaton (still here)

    Applying for MS or PhD at:

    Stanford - EE - 2011 (expecting rejection)

    Berkeley - EECS - 2011 (expecting rejection)

    UC Irvine - EECS - 2010/2011 (expecting acceptance) -- they almost begged me to enter the program in 2008.

    Extra Info:

    Because of the lack of available engineering courses at my community college, I was forced to take 18-20 units every quarter at UCI if I wanted to graduate on time. Taking this many units, running my online business, and working at my internship took a toll on my grades (I was getting ~3.0 those quarters, the others quarters I got ~3.5). I regret this. Instead of the internship, I should have done research. And instead of taking 2 yrs at UCI, I should have finished in 3 yrs. My GPA would be much higher, I think.

    I'm willing to do whatever it takes to get into either Stanford or Berkeley. I think I have a few different options.

    1) Do research at UCI, if I can. Get better GRE verbal scores. Do this before the deadline for 2011.

    2) Get my MS at UCI (or equivalent). Get better grades. Apply to Stanford/Berkeley for my PhD.

    Any advice?

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