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Everything posted by perpetuavix

  1. I was actually just working on this last night. It's a little more complicated than that. Three of the schools with the best placement record (ie. highest percentage of students securing TT jobs) included UCSD and UMass, programs outside of the top 20. NYU has 57% of its students receiving tenure track jobs; UCSD has 78%. The number I used to calculate this stuff came from the APA report on grad schools (although a few schools I had to use their website including UMass). When you plot ranking versus TT placement rate, the plot is pretty scattered. Doing a linear regression, the Rsquared value is about .09, which is a weak correlation between ranking and placement. I'm hoping to put something up blog-like with some of this information today or tomorrow, if anyone would want to check it out for themselves.
  2. Maybe they don't come to TGC? Or they're really slow at admitting people? Although there's 4 acceptances up now...
  3. Someone I went to undergrad with did it. He was basically the most pretentious person I've ever met. So maybe only self important assholes go there?
  4. I don't disagree about the comparative part; it's not as impressive for my professors to say I was in the top 2%, or at least committees might not know if it's truly meaningful. But I'm just using some anec-data to show that unknown letter writers doesn't mean you won't be able to get in anywhere.
  5. What kind of areas are the adjuncts teaching classes in?
  6. Other than UMass and UVM, what school haven't made any decisions?
  7. I came from a small school. I don't think either of my letter writers from there are very well known, but one of them is pretty well connected to a lot of other places (co-writes articles, networks at conferences, keeps up with people he went to grad school with). I also had a letter from a professor from my Masters' program in education, so there was no connection whatsoever there. But they all wrote me solid letters that supported everything else in my application.
  8. I picked "other" in the poll, because I have a Masters in teaching with a high GPA (3.96) that I think made up for my lower GPA for undergraduate (3.27). I did my undergraduate in philosophy, but my school does 'concentrations', not majors so I've taken fewer philosophy classes than most philosophy undergraduates. I was just accepted to UW-Seattle.
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