Hum that is interesting! I just received it today and have to pay by the 25th!
I have not heard anything from Vic either. It says they won't have letters out until April/May so it looks like $200 will be shelled out. I am set on Dal as it is closer to home (Newfoundland) as the travel for the week on-campus to BC is a bit costly not to mention using Annual Leave to go to classes. lol Good luck with Vic!
Hey Guys,
Just wanted to let those who have applied to Dal and received the initial acceptance letter, I got the full package in the mail today so have a look out for yours! We have to declare our intentions by March 25! So early.
I also emailed Calgary and was told that they will have all notifications out by the end of the month via email.
I applied to the MSW Leadership in Human Services at Calgary. Two year via distance. All programs I applied to were the distance option.
I haven't received an email from Dal or the package now I'm starting to worry the Dean won't sign off on it! Lol. This is my first time applying but I am assuming that letter is basically an acceptance and that it is just a formality for the Dean to sign off on it? That your acceptance won't be taken back? Lol Lazzypants, are you applying for on campus or distance at Dal?
Hey Everyone!
Congrats to all who have been accepted thus far!
Regarding Dal. I received a letter dated February 7, 2014 stating that I have been recommended for admission and that the Dean has to sign off on the acceptance and that I would receive all other necessary information regarding registration etc within the new few weeks. I have not received this yet. I know I saw one other person here that received this letter. Has anyone received this package?
I also applied to U of Vic. and U of Cal. and have not heard anything from them. Has anyone heard from these schools or know when we can expect to hear from them?