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Everything posted by SophiaM2014

  1. Ok guys, So I just got off the phone with the Admissions people at IHEID. They said that they had an IT problem this morning which meant that admissions emails were incorrectly sent to a large number of applicants. They clarified that as my online status said refused, I had in fact been rejected. Anybody else in the same boat, I'm really sorry but this is the case - if the online portal says refused you've been rejected. If the online portal says 'under consideration', then you are still being considered for a place - congratulations, hope you don't have too long to wait! I told them on the phone that while I appreciated that IT errors happened, a mistake as large as this which created false hope in my view required an official apology by email and they said that someone was in charge of sending an email explaining what had happened and apologising, so we should receive that soon. All very best to everyone!
  2. I really can't believe that they could mess up the emails in such a way, frankly if this is the case they owe us all an immense apology. I too received the acceptance email from Dr Neury, and then checked the website to see that it said status refused. I emailed IHEID back but I think I'll call them as I'm sick of waiting. Best of luck to everyone still waiting on admittance/scholarship decisions! Many congratulations to those who have received offers, commiserations to those who received rejections. And to those who have received the combined email/website acceptance/rejections screw up - I think we need a group hug and some whisky!
  3. Hehe - sorry we've all abandoned you! Maybe it's a time zone thing? I've only recently come back to my room after a pretty busy day... I'm also vainly trying not to obsess over this!
  4. Hey Mych! I was hoping they would be doing a rolling process too but you're right it doesn't seem like that at the moment. I'm very suspicious of the term "we hope to be able to" too but I'm choosing to ignore it at the moment otherwise I would go insane! Thanks for the update Angie! At least on this forum we know that we're not alone in our awful waiting and can pool our knowledge of the situation!
  5. I totally agree with you here Alchyna! Of course we're all going to check the online tracker - if anything I think I'm more likely to check it because now I know they've at least started the acceptance processes. And the info on Admitted Students Week is seriously mean! I though making us apply for accommodation before we even knew our results was pretty harsh but there doesn't even seem to be much sense in sending this info only a week before we know whether we have an offer or not! I've probably failed the patience model already mych!
  6. Sorry Arbitist, didn't see your post when I wrote mine. Definitely feels like they have a slightly sadistic admissions process!
  7. Did anybody else just get an email from IHEID telling them that they have started processing results and and hope to inform everybody by email by Friday 14th March? I suppose I appreciate them giving me a clear deadline by which I should know, but I'm not sure I'm going to be able to stop compulsively checking the tracker even though they say not to since emails will be sent out! Especially as my heart leapt into my mouth when I saw the email from them, thinking it was a decision! Not sure I can take much more of this... I also have an offer from Sciences Po and I must say all this talk of wine is making it very tempting to go to Paris!
  8. Hello everyone! I applied for MIA, not MDev but I found your thread about IHEID really helpful - thanks so much for posing it. I too am in the situation of having applied for the early application deadline and been postponed to the second round of applications. I keep compulsively checking their online application tracker! So frustrating... Best of luck to everybody still waiting for results. I hope we all hear good news soon!
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