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Everything posted by aquarius

  1. Did you get any information on funding from Georgetown? I haven't seen anything yet. :-/
  2. @bfoo, good point, thanks!
  3. Accepted, but nothing about funding. I'm -cautiously- optimistic about funding from Georgetown. According to the MSFS website, "Up to 30% of the entering class may receive a scholarship based on the strength of their applications in the admission process." 30% seems a lot better than SAIS or SIPA.
  4. I haven't looked closely enough at course offerings at either Fletcher or SAIS to have an informed opinion about it, but I do understand that Fletcher students can take courses at Harvard and MIT. For me, that's a clear advantage over SAIS. I think I've just sold myself completely on Fletcher. Now if only Fletcher would move its campus to Capitol Hill...
  5. This. I've gotten an invitation to an alumni reception and personal e-mails (and calls!) from a current student and an alum. Through that contact, I've also been connected with a Fletcher alum who works in my career of interest. Granted, I was accepted back in December through Early Decision, so Fletcher has had a bit more time to "woo" me than other schools have. But still, my takeaway? Fletcher is a Class Act.
  6. I'm in the same boat! I got accepted at SAIS (DC campus) with no aid and Fletcher with a nice scholarship. Of course, I'm leaning towards Fletcher to save some money. My end goal, though, is to work in Washington, DC, so I would rather go to SAIS, all other things being equal. I've been racking my brains trying to figure out what to do, but, depending on what I hear back from MSFS, I'll probably go to Fletcher. Many Fletcher alumni go on to top jobs in Washington, and I don't think a SAIS education is worth the extra debt. Boston may not be the international relations "hub" that Washington and DC are, but Boston offers a lot of academic and research opportunities (Harvard, Tufts, MIT, etc), if that's your thing. I'm also very turned off by SAIS's lack of funding. I understand that Fletcher awards scholarships to 90% of its students, while almost nobody at SAIS gets money. I just consider that rude haha. I'd be very interested to hear everyone's final decision and how you came about it!
  7. Accepted! Anybody hear about $$$?
  8. https://new.sipa.columbia.edu/admissions/program-admissions/miampa-admissions If you click on the "Prepare to Apply" tab, it opens up an application timeline with March 18th listed as "Application Notified."
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