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Everything posted by far27

  1. I completely understand what you mean! I had a great gut feeling about Queen's since the beginning. Their faculty seems to truly be interested in the success of their students. I am strongly leaning towards Queen's even though a lot of people think I'm crazy to not go for the money. Who knows, maybe we'll get funding! Congrats and hope to see you in the fall (or maybe at the welcome event)!
  2. I have accepted Queen's MPA offer as well last week! However, now I'm in a bit of a bind as I just got a fully funded (I would have to spend 0$ during the whole time) from my backup (Central European University's one year MA in public policy). Am I completely delusional to still prefer Queens? I want to work in Canada/North America after and am afraid an european degree would hurt my chances of doing that. I'm also not sure about CEU's reputation, even though it's ranked pretty well in the social sciences. Although a year of living in Budapest for free does sound great. Not sure what to do.
  3. worrypower and naamoose, I have a friend who received acceptance to UofT's MPP yesterday, so I think they are starting to roll out acceptances
  4. I received an acceptance for Queen's MPA earlier this week. Info on funding to come, but I doubt their funding is generous. I am trying to decide between Queens and Ottawa's MA in public administration. Any advice? Ottawa is offering me an admission scholarship that covers first year tuition + more money guaranteed through a TAship, RAship or other source (for the first year as well). I like the Queens program more, and it also has the advantage to be 1 year, but Ottawa is also attractive because of the guaranteed money and proximity to govt jobs.
  5. I have recently also been accepted to the Queens MPA, with no words on funding however. Would anyone know anything about a comparison of these 2 programs? Which one would be best/what are their strengths and weaknesses?
  6. Anyone have an opinion about UOttawa's MA in Public Administration? I've seen a lot about the GPSIA program but nothing about the public administration program. I was offered a very generous funding package but I am not sure about the quality of the program, job prospects, etc.
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