@omar760 It sucks that Ucla is taking so long!! They had initially said we would hear back at the end of the week :/ You can always accept and then withdraw your application, that's what I did last year when I got into csun and USC. I ended up not going there and chose to apply to Ucla this year instead. This is the ONLY school i applied to this year. USC is an amazing program and it is actually ranked higher for social work, I would have definitely gone there if tuition weren't over $80,000. I couldn't fathom taking out so much in loans when I will not be making a lot as a social worker in the first place. I know that USC asks for a deposit when you accept, but the way I see it, that deposit is nothing compared to the $$$ you will be paying for tuition. If UCLA accepts you, it's a win-win because you'll have gotten into the school you really wanted to go and you will definitely save a lot in tuition, even though you paid your deposit to USC. If ucla doesnt accept you, then you can be at peace knowing you did the right thing by accepting USC's offer. Good luck!