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  • Application Season
    2013 Spring

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Decaf (2/10)



  1. Hi all, If you're wait listed at a program and you have the chance to chat with the admission committee chair in person, what would you say/ask/expect? Thanks!
  2. Re: GeoDUDE, my pgre was 990 (perfect score). I did try to ask a program the reason for rejection. They just said they received a very strong pool of applicants and added that they don't have the time to respond to individual inquiries. So figured its not a good idea to bother them. I also want to know if its something wrong with my application, or just simply that physics is getting really impossibly competitive these days. My Sop was a bit general this time. I heard that I'd be basically shutting myself down if I say I'm interested in theoretical cosmology, for how competitive it is.
  3. I have been applying to physics grad schools for the past two years, received 0 offers. I'm not sure how or whether I can further improve my profile or if I should try again. Here is a brief summary: I graduated from a top undergrad program, with 3.7< dpt gpa<3.8. My intended concentration was theoretical cosmology but now I'm open to anything physics related. I took some of the most advanced classes among my cohorts as I started graduate level classes sophomore year (which is probably why my gpa is not >3.9). I have been doing research every summer since before college. I have two publications, one in prd and another in apj. I have perfect gre scores and excellent recommendations. examples of awards include departmental awards every year from my university, US physics olympiad gold medal etc. I am an international male. I applied to 15 of the top programs (ranked 30th and above) twice in the past two years, received 0 offers. I'm not sure what more I could have done. If I were to try again next year, what can I do to improve my chances? Especially for the admitted students, how do you think I could improve my profile? Do you think I should travel to the schools and bug the profs about their research? If I don't apply to physics again, what other options do people commonly explore? Anyone with a similar experience? Thanks!
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