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Everything posted by ajgolemb28

  1. This is good to know, I was thinking about applying there for the fall of 2015. What program are you in there?
  2. Thanks for the information. I will be PM you shortly.
  3. I live in Michigan and was also looking to apply there for the fall of 2015.
  4. Mercyhurst is where I want to go! Any tips for me? Do you mind me asking what your CV looks like? PM me?
  5. Yes, I did present! I researched the calcaneus and did a comparison between medieval and modern populations What about you???
  6. I haven't applied to any, I am waiting for next year. I am studying for my GRE right now which is time consuming enough! I have lot of interests and need to narrow them down. I have done research on obesity and the effect on the calcaneus.
  7. Hey all! I just wanted to know who else is going into Forensic Anthropology? Where did you apply to? I have several schools in mind, but won't mind hearing about your experiences as well! Also, I see some of you were accepted into University of Michigan- Ann Arbor. I live in the area and can help you with any questions you might have about the area.
  8. I've presented posters at two larger conferences as an undergrad, AAPA and BARFAA. Mostly people just come around and rarely ask questions. Honestly, most people don't really care what your poster is on, but you will have a small few that will be interested. Just make sure you know what you are talking about because some people will ask you to explain your poster. Try to have a short summary of your poster. I would always ask if they had any questions after I explained my poster to them, most don't. If someone asks you something you don't know or didn't focus on, reply "oh, I didn't focus on that, but that sounds like something I could look into" or something along those lines. What conference are you presenting at? Overall, I tried to use this time to network and visit other people's posters, looking for certain school I wanted to attend and asking about the schools. Basically, don't sweat it. It is easy and the presenting time frame will go by fast.
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