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Everything posted by cheltroy

  1. I’m not sure, I inquired about that in my reply to Dr Hemmerich. I’m hoping it means there were unfortunately some rejections, meaning there will be a smaller pool of applicants if spots open up.
  2. How did she find out? Email? Post mail? Phone call? I still haven't heard anything from five of the schools I applied to and I'm on two waitlists... Life is rough when you're waiting!
  3. I'm considering the grad classes too and would be interested in a Facebook page
  4. I was put on the alternate list :/ I emailed Dr. Swift about areas of my application that I could improve upon, and about the opportunity to take grad courses in the meantime. Does anyone know more about that? Is it online? What courses are offered? Does anyone know of someone who took these classes and got accepted after? Who knows, maybe I'll get accepted off the waitlist? Fingers crossed!!
  5. SLP graduate programs are very competitive, making it difficult to even get an acceptance. It keeps you in check, making sure you take it seriously so you can become a great professional. If they chose you out of hundreds of applicants, they expect you meet their academic standards.
  6. I applied to: Appalachian State, Alabama A&M, University of Rhode Island, University of Northern Iowa -rejected, UTD - rejected, ENMU, Texas A&M Kingsville, UCF, Kansas State This is my second time applying (applied for Fall 2014). GPA 3.1 V149, Q148, writing 4.0. 1 year experience as an SLPA, extensive training in AAC communication and a lot of experience working with children with Autism. Hoping my experience, LORs, and statement of purpose can outweigh my low stats!
  7. Much to my horror, I was addressed by my SLP supervisor (I'm an SLPA) today about how she forgot to send in my letters of recommendation to the schools that were due yesterday (9/15). I panicked, found phone numbers, and she will be contacting the universities to see if they will allow her to submit her recommendation late. Did this just blow my chances for 3 out of the 9 schools I've applied for? Has anyone had this happen to them?
  8. CNA is great but there is also the option of ABA therapy... Working with children with autism. This gives you work experience AND therapy experience! There are so many avenues that will help with your application. Honestly, after graduating, the only way you can go is up... You can't screw up a GPA... And experience is experience. Do what you love! Just accepted an offer in ABA a few weeks ago, and I am thrilled!
  9. I'm really excited because I got an email this morning requesting I come in for an interview at an ABA clinic! Maybe some work experience will strengthen my application and next year I will get some good offers! Plus, it doesn't hurt to make some money right?
  10. Congratulations!!! I have thought about the Peace Corps before, but I wish there was a 12 month program. I have a couple more schools to hear from, but my current back-up plan is to work in ABA therapy for a year, retake the GRE, and take grad courses toward a BCaBA certification.
  11. So first off, if you were awesome and got into a grad program, congratulations!!! If not, or you aren't sure yet because you are still waiting to hear back from some programs, or you just really want to take a gap year.... You're not alone! I wanted to make a special topic for those who want to talk about their "plan B" or are in need of ideas for one! So, if not grad school, what are your plans for the fall?
  12. Also, I contacted western carolina, and they said their second round acceptance candidates have 10 days to decide, and then they will start to make decisions for the remainder of applicants.
  13. Thanks for the reply! Good to hear that they are still making some decisions, and good to hear anything at all honestly! Thanks so much and good luck!
  14. Does anyone know if North Carolina Central has filled their cohort? Waiting to hear back and I haven't seen anyone post anything about their program in a long time.
  15. I've been accepted to Texas Tech for their online ABA graduate certificate, and am going to look for a job in ABA. With the courses and the hours I log as a therapist, in a year I should be able to get my BCaBA certification! (If I don't get into either of my last two schools) I figure it will look good to schools in the future that I have work related experience, have shown I can be successful at the graduate level, and passed a certification test for ABA. I will probably also retake the GRE since my GPA is nothing to look at, and my existing scores are pretty average.
  16. Thanks @daisynic! And congrats on UT Dallas!
  17. Got another rejection today... That makes 3 rejections and 1 wait list for me. Still have to hear back from WCU and NCCU. It stings to get rejected, but I'm honestly just so happy I have a solid plan B that it doesn't get me too upset. It might take me another year or so, but I won't let this get in the way of my dream!
  18. Got my second rejection today. I am a little offended by how the news came... I got no email to check my application, but saw others had been checking theirs, so I logged in. It said to contact the admissions office. Didn't give a phone number. Looked up the phone number for the graduate department, was transferred 3 times to find the right person, and was then informed that they decided to deny me two days ago. First off, I feel bad for the lady who is handling these phone calls, because I could tell she did not like giving the bad news. Secondly, I think it's pretty rude to not send a rejection letter, or even contact us to let us know a decision was made. Frustrated.
  19. For a BCBA you need a masters degree, for a BCaBA you need a bachelors.
  20. You can get a BCaBA by doing a year of courses for a graduate certificate plus the supervised hours. That's part of my back up plan!
  21. So far I've been rejected from one and put on a wait list at one. Every day that goes by without an email sucks, but I think the torture of waiting has finally helped me out. I've had to keep thinking about backup plans and ways that it will all be okay... And I think I have finally found a way to be okay with it. The waiting still sucks, and I would be ecstatic to get in this year, but if I don't... I will be okay and I will try again next time.
  22. @nata25 congrats on getting on the wait list for IU! That's where I'm at for undergrad and it's amazing! Good luck and hopefully you'll get a couple of acceptances and/or get off a wait list
  23. Exactly! I have tabs up on my computer, my phone, and my tablet at all times for them! And even now, between classes, I am in a computer lab listening to the Frozen soundtrack and looking up plan B ideas while refreshing the results page and my email!
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