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Everything posted by bluebark314

  1. Accepted today via e-mail, 7/2/2014. Applied February 3, and so long with not hearing any decision had pretty much given up hope. Excited to start in a month with my Fall cohort, go Trojans!
  2. People do get accepted off of wait lists, so there is hope! I'm not sure about there being a ranking system or how that works so maybe someone else can explain that part. Also perhaps an admissions advisor could explain how the wait list system works at USC if you email them or give them a call. Do you mind sharing your stats, and how long from submitting your app to recieving an answer? I'm still waiting for an admissions decision from USC at week 14 post application submission. Good luck, and hopefully you will get accepted from the wait list soon!
  3. Thanks for the response, kjrife2009. I too am feeling frustrated, but I am trying to exercise patience regardless. Reading other threads it seems like there are other schools besides USC that are taking a really long time in making decisions. It's just hard because with waiting on my admissions decision I feel like I am in a limbo of sorts for the Fall. Not really able to commit to anything, school and otherwise. USC is still my top choice though, so hoping for some good news soon!
  4. kjrife2009 - have you heard back with an answer yet? Still waiting, today marks week 13 for me. also interested in hearing from other USC applicants as to how long it took them to recieve an answer from when they submitted their app. Is anyone else still waiting to hear back from USC for fall cohort??
  5. I'm really interested in hearing from others too about when they had recieved an answer from USC as next Tuesday is 12 weeks for me as well. Starting to get really nervous about making a decison on what to do, whether to forget about USC and go with plan B at this point.
  6. Yes I am in the same boat as you! Completed application same day, 2/3, for Fall 2014 cohort MSW VAC and still waiting. I did get an email a few weeks back asking for my patience stating the same thing that they told you when you called your advisor. So good luck, try to keep positive and hopefully we will hear soon.
  7. Congrats to everyone who got acceptance letters this week from USC! Still anxiously waiting for a response with fingers crossed. When did you all have your applications submitted if you don't mind sharing? Thanks!
  8. The May 2014 cohort I referenced is for the MSW VAC. Feel free to PM me for the advisor's name, not sure that I should post their name publicly on forum without permission. They emailed me, was not a response to any emails that I sent. I have not tried emailing requesting any info (yet), so no experience with that so far.
  9. I too submitted my application on Feb 3 for the Fall 2014 cohort MSW VAC. Three days ago I recieved a check-in email from my admissions advisor letting me know that - "They have received a high volume of applicants applying for the May 2014 start date, so as those are winding down over the next few weeks they will be giving more priority to August 2014 applicants."
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