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    Human Development

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  1. Oof...Knowing that and not being able to get CGS-D slightly is a bummer, considering both times prior I wasn't able to get past my university. Thanks for the information!
  2. Is it? Thanks! I honestly have no standardized understanding of what the number would mean. Any information regarding that would be great as not a lot of information is provided besides that number. I would echo the same. In retrospect, although I did a total revamp of my qualitative research proposal (naturalistic observation, focus groups, photovoice) to make it a quantitative research proposal (SEM), the methodology of the study may have been naturally clearer to understand and at the same time, more feasible in their eyes. After learning from my previous unsuccessful attempts, I've learnt, with the support of my supervisor, that this fellowship only needs to fund one of your research projects and can make that one less "outlandish" and more feasible and more "common", so to speak. My other projects were more local, action research, participatory-based which I find is harder to write up for a SSHRC-type application, as opposed to a general structural equation modelling of a similar phenomenon. At least, that's my perspective from my attempts at SSHRC.
  3. The bigger one? Unfortunately, I wasn't eligible as it was my third try (completed more than 0-16 months as per their requirement), so only the small one!
  4. Just got mail from SSHRC. Like others have mentioned, they did send it out on April 30th. I got mine two days later - living in Montreal. Received SSHRC with a score of 16.7/20. Feeling quite ecstatic and light-headed after not having received FRQSC a couple days prior...
  5. Sent an e-mail to GPS and didn't hear back. Called them and nobody picked up unfortunately.
  6. I also applied but didn't get it. The letter didn't mention any waitlist of sorts though.
  7. 1. You would need really outstanding GPA, CV and letter of intents and recommendation to apply for a PhD straight from BSc. If you so happen to be able to go into PhD straight from BSc, you would be really research-focused and even when you said you have had interest in research, have you had research experience and truly liked it? 2. A PhD in Clinical Psychology would have both components of research and practicum which would suffice your interests. 3. Depends on where you're applying to. There's a lot of researchers with different interests, unless you're only interested in following world-renowned researchers. Good luck!
  8. You mean uapply?
  9. Ahh I see. Thank you very much! I've contacted some people. Hopefully I'll get some response before April 15th!
  10. Project based for General Education, Inclusive Science. Learning Science course based. I want a research project more on the applicable side, and not so much 'pure' research. And I didn't even know we had to follow profs for non-thesis projects as well! Thanks for the heads up! There's just so much information... If I want to become an school based therapist/counsellor or potential PhD in Clinical psychology, are all 3 still viable options for background information (I know you don't qualify for licenses as a therapist in these degrees). Like, in the end, I want my base to be in professional work with research as a 'side', I guess if you can call it a 'side'.
  11. For those not getting their letter, I'm sure they're waiting for others to reject the offer to offer to other students. I got another letter from the Learning Science concentration but I'm not sure which to go because all 3 concentrations (Learning Sciences, General Education: Project, Inclusive Science:Project) touch on similar things and are all really interesting. I'll drop the other two once I konw and hopefully other people will get the seat (I'm sorry!)!! Does anyone know the 'fundamental' difference between these? I've read the website over and over again and I'm still confused (All the courses sound interesting...)
  12. Maybe! Wish you the best!
  13. Yup. My bad. General Education Psychology concentration. I got a letter from the faculty itself yes. Faculty of Education hm?
  14. Out of the three concentrations, there was a unofficial letter for General Science concentration. Didn't get any for the other two concentrations yet.
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