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Posts posted by starlettmimi

  1. Hi all,


    I've added a GradCafe Statistics chart on the bottom of the spreadsheets for those curious minded and statistics folks. ^_^

    kbui, I just wanted to congratulate you! A fellow Grinnell College classmate of mind informed me of your rockstar status and that major jump from NS to P! You deserve it!


    I'm still an alternate for Laos, but I've already accepted my fellowship to teach in Chiang Mai, Thailand. If you ever plan on traveling there, feel free to contact me! I'm not really allowed to go to Bangkok sadly. :/


    I'll also subscribe to your blog as soon as I set up mine. :)

  2. Starlettmimi, thank you for the good wishes. I was selected. PM me if you would like to talk about your Thailand option.


    Yaaay! I'm so happy for you! Super congrats!!! I will definitely continue to do so.

  3. Hey guys! Long time lurker but this is my first time to post. To my fellow Korea ETA hopefuls: I know someone called on Friday and was told that we would not be notified that day. Was there any indication of a time period that they hope to send out notifications? I'm sure I'm asking the obvious and that would be have been discussed on this forum but I'm just making sure I didn't miss that being mentioned!


    Congratulations to all of the India applicants who heard back to today and to those who didn't, you will have so many more opportunities!


    It's okay! Welcome! My Fulbright Adviser got off the phone with Jonathan Akeley and he said they're primarily shooting for this week, but if not, I'm sure Asian countries hopeful can expect to hear in the next two weeks as well. I heard back from Laos, and based on last year, Korea should be soon - if we assume there is a trend.

  4. You deserve the congratulations to even get to this point!


    The opportunity in Thailand sounds amazing!! I guess worse comes to worse, you can accept the position Friday and maybe re-apply for Laos (although I can understand if you are just over this whole application process at the moment).


    :) Thanks. All the positivism is much appreciated. Yeah, when I think about it, it was such a long journey in applying for the Fulbright. I would love the opportunity to apply again and maybe I will reconsider as well. I was studying abroad off campus when applied, so it was almost like I applied at-large.

  5. Congratulations :) Welcome to the alternates club.


    Why is Friday the "deadline" for you to be bumped up?


    YAY! That's a congratulations I don't often hear, but I'll take it. Oh, lol I wish I could be bumped up on the list. I was selected to teach at the university level in Thailand as well. It's a corps position sponosored by Grinnell College and very similar. It's my backup plan, but I have to accept by Friday at noon, according to my Fulbright adviser. I don't blame him though since I've asked him to extend it since Spring Break.

  6. Congrats to the India grantees! I'm sorry to those who didn't get it. Another door closes, as you know, another door opens. - Who knows - maybe you'll reapply next year and the door will reopen again.


    Heard back from Laos today. Bittersweet, I'm an alternate. My Fulbright adviser forwarded me the email and the status was in the headline like this: Fulbright Application Status (A)


    Chok Dee I hope you get it!!!


    I will definitely hope for the best and that I'm removed from the alternate list by Friday, but I understand it's rare. However, this is okay with me, since I still have Thailand in line for me.


    I'll still be lurking around and inform everyone of my final decision.

  7. Hi starlettmimi - This is my first post, but I made an account just to thank you so much for passing this information along. Today has been a really tough day for me anxiety-wise (but aren't they all at this point?), and it's calming just to hear any information at all. Do you know if this information is specific to Laos, or does it apply to Jonathan Akeley's whole East-Asia region?

    Hey Wolk!


    No problem, I just made my account not too long ago too. I totally understand how you feel, every time I hear the ding of my inbox I feel that dreaded anxiety and urgency.


    The information is likely general to East-Asian region, because my assitant dean is also working with my friend who applied to Korea. We're both going after Fulbright and we also both have a Corps position in Thailand to consider as a backup. The reason my assitant dean made the call for us is because my friend and I are both on the fence of similar programs and we have a deadline of April 11th to consider.


    However, I should probably note that if your country typically notifies later in previous years - it can be hard to tell. I think China and Vietnam typically notify late April, May for instance. I understand it's variable, but I think there are some trends for the Asian countries in terms of notification for the month at least.


    What country did you apply for, Wolk?

  8. I'm mentioned earlier that I was kind of in the same boat as FingersCrossed_118. But I guess since no one really responded to me, I could interpret the same advice...


    Anyway, here's my contribution/confirmation.


    My assitant dean and director of post-graduate transitions personally called Jonathan Akeley today, and he phoned back and confirmed what some others have said:


    Jonathan Akeley at IIE called me back.  No notification today, but he is hopeful that it will be next week.  He said that the decisions are made (!) but that they are getting clearance from State before announcing.  “Fingers crossed that it will be late next week, but don’t count your chickens before they are hatched.”

  9. Hello fellow Fulbright applicants. I have been lurking around for about the last 50 pages of comments. I applied to be an ETA in Laos this year (hello Mo). I am unique in that I do not currently live in the US. I currently live/work in Thailand. Anyone else in a similiar situation?

    Sabaidee chok dee!


    I want to wish you luck too! What part of Thailand are you teaching at? I've only been to Bangkok and Chiang Mai for a couple of weeks, and if I take my alternative offer to Thailand, I would be teaching English at the university level in Payap University. It sounds like you've enjoyed your time in Thailand, and I think a Fulbright in Laos makes sense as your next step in your journey.


    I really hope we hear soon! I have to make my decision about Thailand in the next week, but your position gives me hope and if I'm selected as an alterned or a non recepient to reapply again. The worse scenario would be to find out that I get it after I accepted GrinnellCorps in Thailand.


    :o The Horror.


    Has anyone else heard of any scenarios like that or one of the few who has had to consider declining a Fulbright?

  10. Yeah, it looks like someone may have gotten a little out of hand again with the editing/updating - just a heads up that I am going to revert it back to the earliest version that is not completely out of whack.  I'll let y'all know what the time on that version is in case anyone has entered new information since then, they will need to re-enter it.


    Edit: OK, everything should be back to normal.  The time of the last revision that contained the correct notifications for 13/14 as well as Laos' information was yesterday, April 1 at 1:23 PM.  If you've added anything since then, please add it again, thanks!

     Thanks for doing that! I thought it was just me.

  11. Yeah, it looks like someone may have gotten a little out of hand again with the editing/updating - just a heads up that I am going to revert it back to the earliest version that is not completely out of whack. I'll let y'all know what the time on that version is in case anyone has entered new information since then, they will need to re-enter it.

    Edit: OK, everything should be back to normal. The time of the last revision that contained the correct notifications for 13/14 as well as Laos' information was yesterday, April 1 at 1:23 PM. If you've added anything since then, please add it again, thanks!

  12. Hey there! I mentioned this too in an earlier post. There's time stamps on the notification comparison sheet too and the data for my country Laos is deleted. A lot of countries seem to be at a later and incorrect last year notification date compared to before.

  13. Hey -- a little confused. The Notification Dates (not 2014-2015, but all years) spreadsheet has been updated, but now a lot of the 13-14 dates seem off. I'm positive the Germany ETA didn't send notifications May 16 last year, for example. Does anyone know what's going on?

  14. Hey y'all I'm a long time lurker as well. I'm applying for ETA in Laos and I noticed someone updated the notification application cycle comparison with time stamps. However, the data for Laos also got deleted, which was originally 3/21 last year.

    I'm also checking my emails on the daily because I have to make a decision for my backup GrinnellCorps position in Thailand before 4/15. And I really hope Laos responds soon. My backup ETA position in Thailand is definitely not bad, but of course Fulbright is my first option and it would really suck if the email came after I had to respond for my GrinnellCorps position. My friend is also awaiting on Korea and we thought we'd hear back by now since they notified late March last year. Our countries in prior years have notified late April, but we saw a trend notifying in March so we were hopeful. All these delays aren't making us feel better.

    Here's to us Asia hopefuls!

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