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  • Application Season
    2014 Fall
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  1. @danielleforrea1 how about we just go on chopped and win
  2. RT @J4CKMULL: Everyone: Can we get 3 way FaceTime & better quality charging cables ? Apple: http://t.co/HVjbh82bHg
  3. Does anyone know where they're living and moving in? My friend suggested Harlem but not sure how the area is or how close it is to campus. Also, does anyone know the likelihood of finishing in a year? Considering this option to save money and time but not sure of the feasibility. Thanks
  4. I might be there end of July too! I'll let you know when I book a ticket
  5. Has anyone heard of CSU San Marcos and their mph program? I'm waiting to hear back from them but I know nothing about the school. They're not CEPH accredited so I'm not even sure if I should be considering it as an option, I mostly am because I work close to there and I wouldn't have to relocate too far and could potentially keep my job. I got into ICAHN but it's far/more expensive so just wanted to hear my options out more.
  6. I haven't gotten anything official either but he said we can submit stuff even in august cause classes don't start until sept 2 (if I end up going for sure I'll probably submit it sooner than that)
  7. I talked to dale and he said almost all of it would be covered by loans if you apply, idk if that helps but he said that the stafford eligibility is $34,389 with gradplus covering the remainder
  8. Omg!! Nice haha I was looking for that info. I'll see if I can get a flight there but if not then I'll probably go in July or August to check it out. Thank you
  9. When is the open house in June? The other forum said there's one in august and one for mph students in September too right?
  10. Hello, I'm also from Southern California and I went to la for school. I also have no idea about New York. I haven't 100% committed yet to the school but I'm trying to work out the logistics and everything (potential roommates here? Preferably girls if possible). I've never been to New York but the idea of another city is intriguing and it's the only school I've gotten into so far, but still waiting on others. For those for sure going, are you planning on going to the orientation? Also, are you doing mount Sinai housing or looking for another apartment somewhere else? I was looking at Hoboken as someone mentioned but I couldn't seem to find anything too cheap there. Also, if you go to NYC for your MPH are you looking to work when there since classes are at night I believe? Thanks I've literally done nothing after being accepted so I'm just trying to see where everyone else is at!
  11. does anyone know when the icahn open house is or any orientation? I'm from CA and I want to check it out. Maybe we should start a separate thread for people who are going too
  12. I just got into Mount Sinai today! What made you all choose it if you don't mind me asking?
  13. best of luck to you!!
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