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Everything posted by globetrotter11

  1. I think most are 16months - 24 months. Queen's MPH is 16 months and UWO's MPH is 12 months. UWO's MPH is course-based with a practicum.. I think it's the same for Queen's? Correct me if I am wrong please!
  2. I got accepted today. The email was sent out this morning.
  3. Hi Guys, I didn't get into UBC MPH but I went to UBC for 5 years and I lived here for most of my life so I guess I could say I know my way around here. Living in Vancouver is very expensive. If you want to live by yourself, it costs about $1000 per month even outside campus and it is more expensive on the west side (UBC, Kitsilano, Kerrisdale, Point grey etc.). If you live on the west side, it will take to 10-30 minutes to get to UBC depending on the bus route. If you share a place with someone, it can cost from $600-$800 a month for a room. To be honest, living on campus is the best and UBC residences are one of the best out there I think. The res costs around $650-$850, I believe. UBC itself is like a mini town. I lived on campus for 4 years and I loved every moment of it. I personally recommend Fraser Hall. There are more mature students in this building. It's quite close to the Public Health building and it's right on the bus route, and not too far from the village. If you decide to rent a place in the east side, it can take around 30 minutes to an hour to bus home. You have to keep in mind that it rains quite a lot in Vancouver, especially during winter time, and it sucks to bus home after a long day.. the bus 99 which goes on broadway is cramped with people and quite smelly during rush hours haha. You would probably have to get rainboots Also, the upass is $30/ month but it's included in your tuition unless you want to exempt out of it. You have to pick it up from the student union building, or the bookstore every month and it is VERY USEFUL! If you have any questions about Vancouver, please let me know. I would be happy to answer them!
  4. Can anyone tell me more about the UWO's MPH program??? It's fairly new so there isn't much information out there about the program..
  5. Hi everyone, I am finishing up my undergrad at UBC in Kin. I got rejected from UBC MPH early March but I got an acceptance phone call from UWO MPH today (I missed their call yesterday and somewhat panicked). I see that not that many people applied to UWO? It does make me a little nervous knowing that the tuition is extremely pricy ($28 000 for the 12 month program).
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