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Posts posted by Caligula

  1. To be quite frank, I don't think anyone is "too competitve" for any top 50 program, especially if you only have a B.A. I would never label myself "too competive" for any History Ph.D. program and I will be very grateful for every/any acceptance I recieve.

  2. "Being endorsed by [big-name advisor] will help you publish more than being from [insert ivy name here]"

    One would do well to remember that these two things (big-name advisor and big-name ivy) are NOT mutually exclusive. It is quite possible - even probable for some - that the best advisor for your interests is at an Ivy or other brand-name school.

    Of course, this is not always - and quite often - not the case; it all depends on your field and your sub-interests within that field.

  3. "Beautiful campus, northshore suburban Evanston right outside city limits, good program, and don't they full fund?"

    All of that AND it's the perfect fit for me. Northwestern is by far my top choice. I just want to know!

  4. "I think some serious stuff might go down this week....!"

    I agree! I can feel it!

    "I honestly think having some schools answer so much earlier is worse somehow."

    Don't expect any sympathy cards from me! I haven't heard a peep from anyone!

  5. "I had professors at several Ivy league departments tell me that having a good GPA from a prestigious school was an integral component of an application they would accept."

    That is very interesting. Most, if not all, of the professors I have spoken with say that a good GPA is very important, but prestige/ranking of undergrad is hardly considered, if at all. I guess this just goes to show you that every adcom/professor has a different way of looking at applications, even within the same program!

  6. Who cares if you went to Princeton for undergrad? Certainly not the adcoms.

    Where you did your undergrad is largely irrelevant. An applicant with a BA in History from Princeton is no more (or less) qualified than an applicant with a BA in History from Wayne State.*

    A quick glance at the CVs and biographies of current grad students on department websites makes it VERY clear that the prestige/ranking of one's undergraduate institution is not taken into consideration.

    *I attended neither of these schools.

  7. Haha I think everyone needs to take a deep breath and calm down. I seriously doubt there was a computer glitch at Wisconsin. If it says you got in, you probably got in.

    I, too, am very surprised that nine people on here have gotten in, but then again Wisconsin accepts over 20% of applicants, which is about twice what other top programs admit.

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