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Everything posted by schoolpsy15

  1. Hey guys! With school starting soon (ah!), I am trying to get prepared with school supplies. Have any of you bought anything in particular you feel like you have to have to start school? Related to classes in general but also related to school psych. For example, I will be starting an internship with elementary students and plan to have a "grab bag" of little goodies they can choose from when they complete assessments, incentive plans, etc. Any tips and thoughts from you guys would be great!!
  2. I use ShePlans through Etsy. However, they are all sold out until September. But I love my planner!! https://www.etsy.com/shop/ShePlans
  3. Thank you both for your input!
  4. Hi All, I posted this question in the school psych forum, but think it may be more appropriate here. Hopefully someone can help me out! I was offered a grad assistantship, tuition waiver plus stipend for a program. I plan to accept, but I am wondering about when I learn more about what the assistantship entails. I understand I will be working about 20 hours per week for the school psych dept or another dept on campus that partners with school psych, but when will I learn more about this role/which department I will be working for? I have been asked to sign a paper accepting the offer of admission and email it back. Can I ask this question then or do I just need to be patient and I will learn more along the way? Also, when do assistantships typically start? Before the school year? Thanks in advance!
  5. Congrats!! Can anyone explain the funding to me a bit? I was offered a grad assistantship, tuition waiver plus stipend for a program. I plan to accept, but I am wondering about when I learn more about what the assistantship entails. I understand I will be working about 20 hours per week for the school psych dept or another dept on campus that partners with school psych, but when will I learn more about this role/which department I will be working for? I have been asked to sign a paper accepting the offer of admission and email it back. Can I ask this question then or do I just need to be patient and I will learn more along the way? Also, when do assistantshios typically start? Before the school year? Thank you!!!
  6. Thank you both very much for your insight!!
  7. I have an interview weekend coming up. It consists of dinner with faculty Friday night. Interviews Saturday morning/afternoon then dinner Saturday with students. Has anyone been through this? Do you have any suggestions/tips? I am not sure what to expect at the dinner on Friday with faculty. I want to get to know them and the program, but don't know how appropriate it is to talk about a lot of that before the actual interview. I also don't want to waste all of my well thought questions at dinner and then be left as "the girl who had no questions" during her interview. Any tips on what to expect or how you prepped or anything at all would be helpful!! Thanks!
  8. schoolpsy15


  9. Good Luck to you!! I am interviewing at Cincinnati and OSU too! However, I live out of town and requested a skype interview for OSU since I will be participating in the recruitment weekend at Cinci that starts on March 6. I thought it would be too hard to go from OSU's interview to Cinci and be ready for a dinner at 6 pm. Are you doing this? I have heard really great things about Cincinnati's program. I visited about a year ago and met with some of the faculty, which left a really great impression. I am looking forward to the upcoming interview. Best of luck at Dayton this weekend!
  10. Has anyone heard anything from USF? During the interview weekend they mentioned that candidates should know by Feb 14. I am holding onto a tiny piece of hope that they still have to call people regarding acceptances!
  11. I had an interview in Florida 2 weeks ago (it was only like 55 degrees) and I wore a grey suit from Express. I was one of 12 other applicants interviewing and I was the only one in a suit! Many others had on dress pants with a sweater. I have a few more interviews coming up and will wear my suit again as I would much prefer to be overdressed than under dressed. In my upcoming interviews, there is a dinner with faculty the night before. Most people have said nice jeans with a sweater will do for that type of environment.
  12. Does anyone have insight on non-APA accredited school psychology programs? 2 of 4 PhD programs I applied to are not APA accredited (however, they all are NASP accredited). One of them I am highly interested in due to their foundation in behavior analysis and I have had a really great experience overall communicating with them throughout this process. I have an interview in a few weeks with them and plan to ask about their lack of APA accreditation (is that appropriate?). Any thoughts, comments, insight is welcome!! Thanks!
  13. Same here. I contacted the department initially and was told that I would know 6-8 weeks from the deadline of December 1. January 26 marked 8 weeks. I contacted them on February 2 (9 weeks since deadline) and was told that faculty was still reviewing applications. Hmmm, it's interesting to me that it is taking so long, and actually concerns me a bit about the overall functioning of the program. Do you know anyone in the program or have you heard anything (positive or negative) related to the program?
  14. Has anyone heard from Ohio State PhD?
  15. The dinner is not until March! (soooooo late). Good to know sweater and jeans combo is okay. Thanks!
  16. Has anyone attended a dinner with faculty, other candidates, and current students? Any recommendations on what to wear? The following day is the interview, and I plan to wear a pant suit then. Thanks!!
  17. Hello, Quick question! I applied to both PhD and EdS programs. I was admitted to my top choice EdS program (yay), and have some PhD interviews coming up. However, I was invited to another EdS program interview yesterday, but am certain I will not attend. Does anyone have tips on the best way to reply to the interview invite that I will not attend? I want to be tactful in my decline, so any advice or tips are helpful! Thanks!
  18. Hey all, Yesterday I was offered an interview for a PhD program in Florida on 1/30. I accepted and booked my flight (I live in Chicago). Today I was offered an interview for an EdS program in Ohio on 1/30. In the voicemail they said I could do a Skype interview, which I will do. Has anyone else experienced this? What's the best way to tell them I will do a Skype interview. Also, I have never used Skype (crazy right?!) so are there any tips on using Skype and the interview process on Skype? Thank you!!!
  19. Just wanted to follow up again! Anyone have any insight on the best places to live in near UC? Thanks!
  20. It is! But that's interesting. According to the enrollment data on the NASP website, they took 22 PhD students in the 2013-2014 year. I do see they only took 5 the year before that. Is the website inaccurate?
  21. I received an email today from Loyola that said they have received my application and are in the review process. It also provided the date that interviews will take place. This has increased my anxiety by 100%. Who knew the waiting would be the hardest part of this process??!
  22. I had the same thing happen to me, it is terribly frustrating. I contacted a new person to write a letter last minute, which was great. Best of luck in this situation!
  23. Me!! I can't wait until its over! I have submitted all of my apps, just waiting on ONE person to submit their letter to each school. I am so ready for the next steps
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