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Posts posted by Garyon

  1. 23 hours ago, historicallinguist said:

    Any interviewed with Delaware in the past? It sounds very strange that it looks like that the DGS of Delaware (he is not my POI) is going to conduct an one-on-one interview with me. I had never experienced this kind of one-on-one interview with DGS. 

    Anyone has any idea about this kind of one-on-one Skype thing?

    Hey, I had an interview with Delaware last year, but it was with my POI. And based on my experience it should be a good sign since by the time I got the interview I was shortlisted for acceptance and I got the official mail just a couple of days after.

    It was a very chill call,so be relaxed! he basically just wanted to talk about my general plans for the future and get to know me. We talked a bit about his research and the kind of stuff I was interested in. Also, he wanted to  see if I was aware that his main focus was comp phonology, since my SOP was more focused on syntax and comp psycholing.

    Even if I didn't end up there in the end, it was very helpful in getting  a better  understanding of what I was/am interested in and how different department could give very different contributions to that.

  2. 8 hours ago, historicallinguist said:

    I saw a Stony BROOK result just came out a moment ago. That makes me quite worried.

    Oh, that's soon! Sorry for the wrong info then. I spoke to my advisors a couple of days ago and he told me they were still discussing stuff.Last year they didn't send them all at once so keep your finger crossed.

    Can I ask you who do you want to work with here (even via pm if you want). I am curious 'cuz we don't have many historical guys here.

  3. 9 hours ago, historicallinguist said:

    Any one heard back from Kansas/Stony Brook?????

    Hey, from what I know the adm. committee here at Stony Brook is still discussing applications, so I doubt you guys will be hearing back from them before the beginning of February - unless your POI wants to have a chat/informal interview with you, that is.

  4. Hi everyone!

    For me, classes start tomorrow. I am super excited.

    The last two weeks have been kinda tough between moving to the US, finding an house (Long Island is terrible for that regard!!) and getting adjusted to this place they call "suburbs" ;)

    Now that I have  a place to sleep, I cannot wait for tomorrow. I'm taking 3 classes plus auditing 2 seminars and I was a bit cocnernet about the workload. But I talked to the Grad Director and he thinks I'll have a tough semester but worth of it. Also,I met all my cohort a couple of days ago at the Department orientation and I think we are an interesting group. Plus, I got to TA for the Prof. I'll probably choose as my advisor so... Things look good.

    Let's keep each other posted and see how this first semester goes.

  5. But you can also get a prepaid SIM with enough minutes and data for the first week or so if you need to get all this sorted out before you sign onto a contract. It might even be a good idea anyways, so that you can get phone connection set up right away while you worry about other things first.


    Good Idea! I think I'll do this, since the first few days I'd rather focus on housing/bank/etc. and worry about choosing the right provider/plan later on.

    Where can I buy a prepaid SIM ? Should I look for a provider shop or whatelse?

  6. Hi future Stony brookers.

    Quick question: are you done with your health papers?

    If so, did you mail them directly to the student health service?

    I read somewhere online that we could also fax them and I tried that, but the fax is aways occupied and they didn't answer my calls.

  7. I am therefore an international student and this lowers my chances of acceptance by a lot. I am here to ask you if, according to my working experience, education and situation, I could be a valid candidate for a PhD job in any university.




    I just want to start this post by saying that, as far as my experience goes, I don't think anyone up here can really tell you how "a valid candidate" you could be for a PhD anywhere.

    Sure, you can get an idea about how good your "numbers" are compared to others but in the end what really matters is: Do you really want to get a PhD in Linguistics in the USA? Then apply!


    The point, maybe, is to understand if you really want it and why. This, I think people here can help you, a lot (they helped me!).

    What this forum has helped me realize though (and I think Fuzzy posts are a very good example of this) is what you can/should focus on in the long and tiresome (but also, so exciting!) task that is writing your application. Also, people here can really help you  be realistic  and - even by asking you simple questions - can help you understand if you are ready for a PhD, or if it would be better for you to think about it a bit more.


    Back to your post! I get you are currently at an Italian University? Can I ask which one? (this one just because I'm curious)

    Are you getting your MA in Lingue or in Linguistics? And are you sure about the conversion from italian media to US GPA? It could be tricky. I'd suggest to report your italian grade and leave the conversion to them unless they ask you to convert it yourself (I think NYU does, not sure about stony brook and Amherst).


    The list of programs you plan to apply to seems pretty specific but, from what you said till now, your research interests seem a bit unfocused: why do you want to get into these programs in particular? Do you have any particular Professor in mind?

    I'm asking this because -again, as fuzzy said- writing a good SOP would be a crucial part in your application, and a good SOP has to express clearly what your reserarch interests are/will be and why you want to study in the program you are applying to. My "fit" with the some of the faculty's current research interests was essential to get in the places I wanted, even if my profile was a bit un-orthodox.


    As for your teaching background, I think it could be of some use if you where applying to TESOL programs  but I'm not sure for a socioling application, unless you can find a way to tie your background/language skills to the topics you are interested into (otherwise, they will know you can speak other languages from other parts of you application - i.e. cv, language certification etc).


    Finally, what do you mean by the MA+PhD thing?

    As far as I know the few programs offering both a MA and a Phd offer them as two separate things (i.e. Stony Brook): so you can apply to a MA (usually unfunded) but when you finish you'd have to apply for the PhD all the same.



    That said, I'm italian and I'm starting my PhD at Stony Brook in about a month (!!) so if you need more info about applying from italy and/or about Stony Brook Program feel free to ask (or to PM me).

  8. Welcome!!!


    As usual, it is difficult to add something to what fuzzy already said :)


    From what I know, Berkeley is indeed really different in its approach from the other ones you listed.


    Between those listed by Fuzzy, those are all great programs, each with its own pecularities. If I can give you an advice, start by reading through each program's faculty and concentrations. When I was writing my application last winter, I started having in mind certain programs I was sure where perfect for me, but then changed my mind completely by reading papers and research focuses of their faculty. 

    For example, I think Upenn has an great psycoling program too - with Embick, Clark and Yang being there.


    Apart from those "Big" programs, I might be slightly biased (i'm headed there this fall) in suggesting you to give a look at Stony Brook's Program. It does not have a big name but the faculty is very good and, while having a strong theoretical focus it is investing in its experimental and computational concentration. I have to say it has a strong generative orientation (but that goes for most of the programs fuzzy listed before, i think).

    Also, UDelaware has a joint degree in Linguistics and Cognitive Science.

  9. @beefgallo, I'm on the same boat on having to learn an all new academic terminology :) However, if I understood correctly what they told me during the Open house, in my program the Major advisor is the graduate program director for the first year while from the second year on you have to choose an official one, though I imagine the Graduate director remains sort of a fatherly figure whom you can ask stuff to.


    As for the funding issue, I too find the topic a bit touchy (maybe is a cultural thing), but I know I have to get used to be blunt about it (for instance, I really need summer funding :) ), I guess we'll learn in time (best sooner than later).

  10. Thank you all!

    My financial aid for the year comes through TAships (I just received my assignment for this Fall and I can't wait!), so maybe that would offer a good chance toa sk about summer teaching opportunities. And I'll definitely ask senior students in the department about grants etc. :)

  11. Hey guys! One more question on this topic: when do you think would be a good time to start asking around for this kind of summer financial opportunities?

    I've asked a bit about it during before accepting my offer of coursea dn I've been told that usually some kind of TA/RA is available but in the end I am in the same situation of beefgallo, with nothing assured. I'll definitely try to put something away each month (I'm counting my stipend on 12 months instead of 9) but I'm not sure I'll be able to do that steadily and extra money are always welcome :)

    Would the start of the second semester (around december/january) be a good time? I would feel a bit unconfortable starting my year asking about money...

  12. Thanks for your inputs! 

    You're right of course! It is just that looking for houses across the ocean is so unnerving! I'll try to find a way!

    What about you sanaya, have you found anything yet?


    And guys, maybe we'll all meet during the orientation week :P

    I really can't wait to be there! I'm looking at my probable course schedule right now!

  13. I've decided to look for houses with a future member of my cohort I met while visiting - we are ok finding other roomates too of course (I havelived with up to 9 people during undergrad so sharing is not a problem :P ), just not being alone in the search seemed nice :) -  but we haven't really started our search yet. Untill know I've been submerged by International Bureaucracy, getting my VISA etc...


    The problem is that I am in Italy and she is in Russia and we won't be able to move 'till the beginning of August. Do you guys think it crazy to put off the search until then? I'd much rather prefer to see the place before signing a lease...


    Vulpes, It's great you have already settled this up! Did you see the place? I have been looking for rooms on Craiglist but they all list the move in date as June...

    Another thing (if you are not  comfortable writing about it here, i can also send you a PM). How much will your rent be? I have to admit I haven't been able to figure out how much I'll make per month, once taxes, fees etc will be taken off my stipend.

    I'll have a TA of $17500 on 9 months (which I'm planning on dividing on 12 since I m not sure I will be able to count on additional funding over the summer), so how much do you people think I can afford? 600$+ utilities? More? Less?


    Any input will be much appreciated :)

    I don't know about you, but I can't wait too start the new year. I'll move there next week if I could!

  14. After 4 rejections and a countless number of sleepless nights with my name on a waitlist, now at the dawn of the week of April 15th,


    I must have been on the edge because I was still accessible to admissions operations – and I'm accepted to and will be attending UCLA.


  15. I just accepted my offer! So Stony Brook, here I come!


    To join the previous discussion, I stayed in Port Jeff while I was visiting the program and it was lovely. The down side is I think you'll definitely need a car to live there (it took me 15/20 minutes by car each morning).


    I do think I'd rather find a walking/biking distance house for the first year since I'm moving from Italy and I don't think I'll have the money to buy a car.

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