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Posts posted by cadogan

  1. Some of the Universities that I have applied to requires an additional Financial Documenation submitted to ensure that the international candidate has enough funds. This is rather easy to fill out comparing the rest of the application; I could go to the bank, get the officer to sign the document and that's it. This ofcourse assumes there is enough money in the bank before applying. Sadly for educational loans, the story is very different.


    If I were to apply for loans before admission to grad school and if the application gets rejected, the money goes futile. But I have no choice in the matter because of what I've mentioned before. If there was a choice for submitting these documents after admission, it would've made more sense. In that case I could just go to the bank (after grad-admission) apply for the loan and report the funds to the University. I hope you could see my dilemma. I need some advise on this.


    Note: I am applying to Universties in the US. If more information is required about the particulars of these universities' admissions policy I could post links here.

  2. Thankyou folks, for your kind replies. I couldn't help but worry about the pgre's influence during admission. Say, someone like me - with an average gpa, average gre scores and not so reputed undergraduate degree - could push through if pgre scores were high? Most of the universities that I've looked in to sees it as an assessment test rather than a competetive test. Something that will set the bar.


    So, my concerns here are :

     o  wheather or not pgre could be that one factor that will guarantee an admission?

     o  should I look for student loans and get in to a private school instead?


    Note: I'll have to skip this year(with nothing to do) if I go with pgre.

  3. Thank you for your time. That was a very nice reply indeed. As you've mentioned, the list is going to be very short for me, and I have no idea where to start or how to start forming that list. Should I just lookup private colleges that offers physics which also turns out to have admissions this winter and doesn't require pgre (sigh...) OR should I prepare for pgre and skip a year (admissions for 2015 fall), which I beleive might get a bit stressful.

  4. I have a B.Sc. degree in Physics (3 years) and I was wondering if it would be possible to get in to any graduate school (in the US) with my present situation


    GPA : 3.05

    GRE : 150 Verbal, 155 Quantitative

    GRE PHYSICS : Nill (too late to be taken now)


    Do you folks know of any Universities which I may have a chance with?

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