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  1. Upvote
    ticks_and_stuff reacted to ekpfeil in AFRI NIFA 2014   
    What the hell happened that this is taking so long? Do they mean they are not officially announcing the winners until October? I don't understand. I wish there was a bit more transparency in this whole process 
  2. Upvote
    ticks_and_stuff reacted to em829 in AFRI NIFA 2014   
    Nothing yet?? This is ridiculous.
  3. Upvote
    ticks_and_stuff reacted to ekpfeil in AFRI NIFA 2014   
    Oh. I see. Hopefully it is this week. Last time for post doc, it was a Weds.
  4. Upvote
    ticks_and_stuff reacted to Sigaba in PhD advisor makes me want to dropout   
    No disrespect, but I think you should go easy with framing these kinds of value judgments at least until you've had some time in graduate school. Once there, you may find yourself going on rants on a regular basis, if not also having full blown meltdowns.
    The OP is confronting the dilemma that every graduate student will face at least once: determining if it is time to say "no" to a PI/POI/or other authority figure. While I agree with FL and JM that now may not be the time for such a response, being in a situation where one has to think in that direction can be remarkably stressful.
  5. Upvote
    ticks_and_stuff reacted to ekpfeil in AFRI NIFA 2014   
    Dangit! Well, at least that means they haven't announced them and we haven't been rejected yet....

  6. Upvote
    ticks_and_stuff reacted to hashslinger in What piece(s) of advice would you give to new TAs?   
    You're going to have bad days. You're going to have bad days a lot at first, but even after you've been teaching for 5 or 10 years, you're going to have bad days then, too. Just accept them and move on.
    Related to that, if your students don't like your class or your subject-matter (or even you), don't take it too personally. Remember that you're an "authority" figure in a required class, and that people don't really like authority figures or their "required" courses. (I know that nothing is really "required" in college, but students often perceive general ed classes as a chore.) More importantly, students lose a lot of respect for instructors who seem to take student disinterest really personally. Be open to student feedback (in the form of midterm evaluations) but don't chase after their approval. That just makes you look desperate.
    Resist the temptation to grade too hard or too easy. Devise a rubric (or borrow one from someone) and stick to it. If it's a choice between being kind and being fair, be fair.
    Don't lose sight of your own work or the reason you came to grad school. Don't let teaching eat your professional or personal life.
  7. Downvote
    ticks_and_stuff reacted to Scat Detector in Fulbright 2015-2016   
    To actually be speaking to everyone and not just directing your statement at me where you explicitly show believing me to be ineligible after saying I am. Do speculate anyone's eligibility.
    Secret Ninja I suggest you consider altering your pronouns.

    "If ...A PROSPECTIVE APPLICANT .... is already in their PROSPECTIVE COUNTRY at the time of applying HE/SHE will be ineligible."

    Its important to speak broadly to the masses and that will help you avoid assumptions and accusations. You intended to provide clarity and reduce confusion FOR OTHERS so as such its best to adjust the use pronouns accordingly so your intent comes through in your message.
  8. Downvote
    ticks_and_stuff reacted to Scat Detector in Fulbright 2015-2016   
    You don't know where I will at the time I apply. Just because you have "many accolades" to your name does not mean you have no room to better yourself especially when based on your own mis-reading of something. This is not a debate and you have no business trying to make so many speculatory assumptions about me or anyone else for that matter. Think about your choice of words. You may have meant to provide clarity and prevent confusion for others but you instead directed your statement at me further demonstrating your presusumptions and mis-readings of perfectly clear information under the heading that refers to "funding your degree" not my degree, not my anything. You come off like you think you're a know it all but when you don't pay attention to what you read you will obviously lose credibility while others also see you clearly didn't read the heading above the links provided.
    Work on your inquiry and reduce your assuming presumptions. Replace yourassuming statements with inquiry and your outcome will better match your intent which would "seem/appear" to be that you were wanting to be helpful. To avoid assuming statements you can at least try admitting that something "appears" a certain way to avoid accusing or assuming types of statements.
  9. Downvote
    ticks_and_stuff reacted to Scat Detector in Fulbright 2015-2016   
    A quite deserving well done for you too, for paying better attention to what you're reading. The skill to read more carefully will help you in your future endeavors Secret Ninja.

    I would not have posted that FULBRIGHT APPLICANTS DO NOT NEED AN INDEPENDENT PROJECT if it wasn't true and already confirmed with Fulbright a week ago.

    I don't need to talk to Fulbright about this because it was already done and confirmed much before you suggested I speak to them. There are many avenues to Fulbright. Maybe consider expanding your breadth on the variety available would be a good idea.
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