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Everything posted by BeginsInWonder

  1. I've been using the normal stuff: flash cards, vocab lists, but some guy on Amazon created a really neat book. Basically, it's a crazy book using tons of GRE words. You swoop your kindle dictionary to any word you don't know when you come across one. My Verbal score is really important so I try to use any strategy I can haha. http://www.amazon.com/The-Sesquipedalian-Interactive-Hundreds-Context-ebook/dp/B00O2G06KW/ref=zg_bs_tab_pd_bsnr_1
  2. I recommend this kindle book: http://www.amazon.com/Smart-Students-Guide-Literature-English-ebook/dp/B008FWO6MS/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1405179484&sr=8-4&keywords=gre+literature Having taken the test before, I was surprised by how many questions dealt with close reading. Cramming Vade Mecum into my head didn't help that much when almost every other question didn't seem to care about identification. Rather, many questions asked comprehension and close reading inquiries such as, "What would the author most likely think about _____," or "What is the tone of this passage?" While it's good to read all of the classics, to prepare for the exam, only read a chapter of each, and focus on close reading daily.
  3. Wherever you take it make sure to visit the center ahead of time. You do not want to stress about having to find the location on test day.
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