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Status Replies posted by hreaðemus

  1. Whoever thought translating Old English would be easy definitely didn't spend seven hours translating five pages. To my defense, I'm fairly confident the text is a ten-point font.

    1. hreaðemus


      I think 7 hours is actually pretty good for prose! Don't sell yourself short. :)

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  2. Whoever thought translating Old English would be easy definitely didn't spend seven hours translating five pages. To my defense, I'm fairly confident the text is a ten-point font.

  3. I'm turning 24 tomorrow, the most depressing thing that could ever happen to me.

    1. hreaðemus


      I understand; I hope things get better for you soon! You're still closer to 20 than to 30... you've really got lots of time. :)

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  4. I'm turning 24 tomorrow, the most depressing thing that could ever happen to me.

    1. hreaðemus


      "Old as poo" is a bit insulting, both to yourself and to others! But maybe you can make a productive plan - like what you want to accomplish? Then, next year, maybe you won't feel like you have "nothing to show" for the hard work of getting older! We all age, after all. :)

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

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