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Everything posted by Ivey0126

  1. I know this is probably going to seem like a a weird question but I took a few online courses after I completed my Master's degree. They are not for credit. Do I have to report that I went to this school? I ask because I still owe money to this school for those courses and they will not release this transcript.
  2. The reason I'm applying to NY this is where my support system is. Currently I live in southern CA and have my husband and kids with me. NY is where our extended family is located which would help us while I am studying . This is the main reason to keeping so central to NY.
  3. Hi all! This is my second time applying so here are my stats. The last time I applied was over three years ago. I waited this long to apply again because I wanted to make sure I was as competitive an applicant as possible. Undergrad Institution: St John's University, New YorkMajor(s):BiologyMinor(s):GPA in Major: 3.03Overall GPA: 3.32Position in Class: averageType of Student: (Domestic/International, male/female, minority?) female, domestic, minorityGRE Scores (revised/old version): I will be taking the GRE again in August. These are my old scoresQ: 154V:152W:4.0B:Research Experience: (At your school or elsewhere? What field? How much time? I have a one semester graduate school research project in Molecular Biology. Thesis research project for my Masters Degree in Molecular Biology One year working in a mental health research institute working on Alzheimer's research Three years in gastric cancer research at UCSD One year working in digital medicine in HIV clinical research at UCSD Any publications (Mth author out of N?) or conference talks etc...) Two first author publications, 1 midauthor publication . (Currently working on 2 other first author publications, should be in peer review by end of September). Three poster presentations at major conferences.Awards/Honors/Recognitions: (Within your school or outside?)Pertinent Activities or Jobs: (Such as tutor, TA, SPS officer etc...) TA for one year during graduate school. College professor for one semester at CC Any Miscellaneous Accomplishments that Might Help:Special Bonus Points: (Such as connections, grad classes, famous recommenders, female or minority status etc...) Have a Master's in Molecular Biology (3.75 GPA) , female, minorityAny Other Info That Shows Up On Your App and Might Matter:Applying to Where:Gerstner Sloan Kettering - Department - Cancer BiologyNYU Sackler- Department - Molecular OncologyColumbia - Department - Cellular, Molecular & Biomedical Weill Cornell- Biomedical Sciences Albert Einstein- Biomedical Icahn SOM- Cancer Biology Rutger, Newark-Molecular Biology, Genetics and Cancer Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
  4. Hi Everyone! I am not new to the forum but have not been here for a while. I previously applied to PhD programs for the Fall 2015 cycle and didn't get one interview. Not even a rejection email (ouch). Since then I have worked on trying to better my application to make me really stand out. I would like advice on what else I can do to make me be a better candidate. I have completed a Master's in Molecular Biology with a 3.75 gpa. My undergrad GPA was pretty low (3.03) so I know that really hurt me. I have worked a year in Alzheimer's research and now currently work as a Lab manager for a gastric cancer lab. I have been at this position for the past 3 years. I have 2 First author publications, 1 second author publication and will have a third First author publication before the end of the year. I have 3 poster presentations and have learned a lot of new skills. My GRE scores are pretty subpar so I know I have to retake them. Is there anything else I should be doing to make me stand out? I am looking into Cancer biology or Immunology/inflammation programs in the NY/NJ area.
  5. First rejection from UC San Diego. At least I know but man it hurts.
  6. So I finally built up enough courage to call UC Irvine INP coordinator and he told me they were going through first phase of interviews and were not extending an invitation at this time. Oh well at least I know
  7. If anyone is waiting on UC Santa Barbara Biomedical, I emailed them and they are still reviewing applications. Waiting continues for now....
  8. Ugh the suspense is awful.... **Glimmer of hope still there**
  9. I'm starting to feel the same way... no idea what my backup plan should be
  10. Trying to decide when I should start bothering schools about interviews and whether they have sent out all invitations already. Ugh this is getting stressful.... have not heard back yet from any school
  11. Lol! I thought I was the only one doing this. My family is entirely on the East Coast.... So I only applied to schools on the West Coast
  12. Congrats Ted! Hope you get many more!
  13. Thanks for the encouraging words. Like Neurojock said, self esteem definitely taking a hit right now. Hoping for some happy news in the coming weeks.
  14. Haven't heard from any schools yet and starting to get pretty dejected. . Hope they send out more interview invites.
  15. Ok, I thought I was the only one that thought the INP coordinator was rude. He basically hung up on me when I called asking why my status said incomplete on my transcripts. This is my first choice school but don't want to call and have to speak with him again. Looks like its a waiting game for now
  16. Hey when did you submit application for UC Irvine? I'm trying to figure out whether I should be freaking out now or not. Thanks!
  17. I see some people have posted Interview invites From UCSD BMS program. Anyone on here get an invite and f so when did you apply? Thanks!!
  18. Literally thought I was the only one doing this... Lol. I'm also on the East Coast and the time difference is killing me. I immediately check my email then remember they are probably not in their office yet.
  19. I am waiting for Irvine too. From what I have seen, they tend to start sending out emails after their school quarter ends. So looks like it should be sometime this weekend into next week. *Fingers Crossed*
  20. I know I should not worry or stress, but try as I might.... STRESS!!!1
  21. If you put your mouse over the diamond it tells you what the person's stats are. GPA, GRE etc.
  22. Those are my interests too! I see your applying to a few of the same schools I'm applying to. Good Luck and hopefully I see you at the interview weekends.
  23. Congratulations
  24. Thanks for the advice. I was literally freaking out. Like waiting for interviews isn't terribly stressful enough.
  25. I just received an email from UC Davis saying they never received my transcripts. For some reason I thought they wanted electronic copies as many of my schools asked for that instead of hard copies. I just contacted my schools to send out transcripts right away. Is this going to pretty much kill my chances at UC Davis???
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