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  • Application Season
    2015 Fall
  • Program
    PhD in English/American Studies

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  1. Hi all! I haven't been on this forum in a while since we all made our final decisions for PhD programs. Since fall is quickly approaching, I'm curious if people have selected courses yet for the upcoming school year. If so, what courses have you picked (and with what advisors)? Are you choosing courses very close to your proposed areas of interest? Or, are you trying to branch out just a bit in the beginning?
  2. Awesome! I'll let you know Has anyone else gone to a visitation weekend?
  3. I think we may be the same person! Also, hope you get into USC!! Maybe we'll be there together??
  4. Definitely a good problem to have! I feel like I'm also going crazy thinking about offers right now... ...and Beth Freeman! How legit!
  5. Awesome! I'm going USC's ASE visitation days...but, it's over two weeks from today. Do you have a top choice, as of now?
  6. So, now that application season is basically over, what decisions are people trying to think through? I'm personally having a tough time choosing between my two programs...gahhh
  7. Do you know this from insider knowledge, by any chance?
  8. Welcome Lucecita! I see that we've applied to a lot of similar programs...would you mind sharing which programs you've been accepted/waitlisted/rejected at? (Feel free to Private Message, if you prefer)
  9. I think about what happens in the adcom meetings quite often...sometimes I imagine it playing out like a reality TV show...something along the lines of The Apprentice.
  10. That's awesome! Congratulations! I hope Brown's funding is great (which I am assuming it is), since you mentioned that that was a major concern. Thanks for the info about funding at UC Davis and UC Berkeley Ethnic --that actually makes me feel a lot better. I made it a requirement to only apply to programs with great funding, but I guess I must not have done my research about UC Davis.
  11. Those are great programs! I ended up applying to UC Berkeley for English. I just got their rejection...I'm now wondering if I would have been a better fit for Ethnic Studies...ehhh too late for that now! Welcome to the board! We have a few other ones in common...Brown, Yale, and NYU for Am. Studies...fingers crossed for us! Do you have a top choice program?
  12. Congratz on UC Davis! Do you know where they stand in terms of acceptances? Have they sent them all out? Sad to hear about the second rejection...do you mind me asking where? Also what are your general research interests? What other schools did you apply to? It's great to see more people on this board!
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