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Everything posted by saratl

  1. Ooh no this is incredibly sad news to hear for me as well. I looked at the website too and i didn't see the news either.
  2. As for your previous question yes you have the option of working and focusing on either a hospital, school, or home setting. Some programs focus on the school setting in which you will need an additional certificate to teach children. It is all up to you what you want to do.
  3. However believe Dominguez Hills is a two year post bac program instead of one. As for the other two I myself am not sure how long it would take for you to finish those courses. ASHA has recently changed their policies regarding classes and they now require some physical science courses, a statistic course, and other relating classes. It is stated on their official website here http://www.asha.org/Certification/2014-Speech-Language-Pathology-Certification-Standards/ . I've however noticed that most post baccs do not include such classes. I called Cal State LA about this and they simply told me you can take these courses once you are a master student but I am not sure about other such schools. I believe some school will require you to finish these classes on your own before you apply to a masters program.
  4. Cal state LA also has a post bacc program as well!
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