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Everything posted by Ferrero

  1. newtothegame, I would not rest your mind on the notion that admissions committees will give you a "mulligan." You have little hope of being admitted to a top 10 program with that quantitative score. You need to buckle down and retake it.
  2. "Asshattery"! ROFLMFAO! I love being a mature adult applying to graduate programs!

  3. I think you waste your time. What will be amusing is when SOOT gets relegated to Penn State - Altoona after graduating (that is, if she ever gets admitted to a program that confers the appropriate name/geographic cachet).
  4. Yes, it is a gate-keeping mechanism for you as a theorist. Although I was not questioned on the finer points of German Idealism.
  5. Hardly a question, isn't it? I think the hard truth is that scores won't get you in, but can keep you out. ETA: (Especially in tough years, which this year was).
  6. Well someoneouthere, I bookmarked this thread in the hope of revisiting it when the application process was over. Did you get into any top 5, top 6 schools with sub-700 scores?
  7. A great push-back against Debbie Downers like Realist in today's Chronicle. http://chronicle.com/article/Neither-a-Trap-Nor-a-Lie/64535/
  8. What are you going to do now?
  9. Good on you. You made it further than me. I fired off a number of (admittedly angry) calls, demanding a refund of my application fee for the mistreatment/lack of communication I've received. So far, they are not budging. I am starting to suspect that this is a racket on par with penny auctions.
  10. But natofone, do you think it is wrong for them to tell applicants to call up people who they know have no clue what is going on. Further, do you think it is wrong for them to, as in someoneouthere's case, apparently review applications and make decisions before all the files are present and accounted for. And here you are, making excuses. What the program did was perfectly fine. Like the 1942 Japanese American internment was "fine", because it was legal. Like the relocation of the Cherokee. Like Jim Crow. You should take a moral stance against this dereliction.
  11. As your application was likely not reviewed, it may be wise to go over the heads of the department and ask the graduate school directly for a formal refund of the application fee. My experience with people in NYC is that you have to be fairly demanding with them or they brush you off.
  12. I looked up this guy. His name is "Suddenly Paranoid" and he has acceptances from every program he applied to, including each Ivy he applied to. Take it from a sometime troll -- of course he is pulling everyone's chain! He's in at all those programs, and District 9 will win Best Picture!
  13. Yes, someone should claim it. I just popped in after I saw it on the results page.
  14. I disagree with framing the pursuit of the Ph.D. in such utilitarian concerns, and the anxieties about well-being it encourages. I think most of us don't go into programs with the expectation of being millionaires, let alone the desire for status (except perhaps those who covet assiduously the repute of being pursued by the Ivies). Conversely, this user seems focused more on the maximization of wealth than the refinement of the mind's eye. If you want wealth, particularly lots of wealth, your best route isn't through academe. Let's face it. Moreover, if this poster's mindset is the one you take into the program, I fully expect you will have a quite turbulent, even tortured experience at a time when you should be enjoying the enrichment your natural aristocratism admits.
  15. Basically an open secret that programs will odiously pay their way onto the top 10. Hence the large endowments of most of the schools listed (UMICH perhaps being an exception, but, to be fair, they don't really rely on the state budget).
  16. Yes, just consider this macabre photo of a recent visiting weekend -- toasty!
  17. Indeed, but it appears UGA has something similar to rolling admissions: http://www.uga.edu/pol-sci/grad/faq.htm
  18. Pay no mind to the silly fool posting a Brown admit -- their deadline is 2/1. If you're going to troll, at least be accurate.
  19. Well, you said on the last page that it would be the same size as last year, which is what I took issue with. Maybe they were both small? That would explain things. Regardless, good to see that the program will weather what is a tough stretch with little notice.
  20. As it is being challenged by tidefan, I disagree. No offense intended against UIUC in all this, of course. I am basing this on my read of the budget situation facing the UI system (cf. http://www.poliscijobrumors.com/topic.php?id=21410&page=5#post-141988, where tidefan seems to be contradicted).
  21. I think I will be vindicated about UIUC. Perhaps you are right about one thing, tidefan, i.e., that I should lie low. It's a stressful time.
  22. Always a chance they might notify early this year. One of those programs is finished.
  23. Historically, the last week of January has been a time when students get some action.
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