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Everything posted by aanimo

  1. Hi! I'm currently in a PhD program in mathematics (first semester) and for any number of reasons I'm looking to transfer to do a PhD in statistics elsewhere. I have a BA in Mathematics with a 4.0 GPA from a small state university, and an MA in Mathematics also with a 4.0 GPA from the same small state school. My GRE scores were 99% verbal 169) 71% quant (158) (I know). I did research in graph theory during my masters which is being published in a peer-reviewed journal this fall, and I've given research presentations on it at the Joint Mathematics Meeting and MAA MathFest. I'm studying graph theory currently at a well-known but not superbly ranked (at least in math) public research university. Programs I'm looking at are Ohio State, UC Davis, Colorado State, and others in that general vicinity of rankings. What do people think? I feel that my mathematical ability is strong enough (4.0s in all math courses, including a year of graduate measure theoretic analysis, published research etc.) but I have no stats courses (outside of probability measures)
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