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Posts posted by jklunder

  1. Hello Everyone,


    I'm finally ready (intellectually, emotionally, financially) to move from teaching to either I/O psychology or law.  However, my GRE scores have expired.


    -  This summer, I have a six week break.


    -  I have enough money to fly anywhere to take a 24/7 course and stay in a cheap hotel to study 24-7.


    -  I have terrible attention problems, even though ETS won't grant me accommodations.


    What should I do and where should I go?

    (I.e. I could fly to Korea and take an intensive test prep company there or just go back to California, camp out with family, and do things that way).

  2. Hi Everyone,


    I have read I/O psych textbooks, spoken to about a dozen professors, and would like to transition into career goals.


    1.  Would any of you be willing to actively guide me.


    2.  Here are my relevant stats, feel free to tell me what's good and where I need to improve:


    a.  Total GPA: 3.8/4.0 from Brown University in History

    b.  Took three years off for a very personal problem, and did coursework at University of California- Irvine.  I did well before and after this problem happened; but, my total GPA there is about a 3.055 (got a few D's and F's).

    c.  I took the GRE in September of 2010.  I got a 640/690/6.0 on M/Verbal/Writing

    d.  While at UCI, did some research and wrote some articles in educational psychology

    e.  I can get some good recommendations from my boss (who was a PH.D. student who I was doing research for) and for someone who can write for my late mentor.


    3.  My goal is to eventually become a tenured research professor.  However, at this point, I want to get into any master's program that's AFFORDABLE, LEGITIMATE (not University of Phoenix type online junk) and can pave the way for a Ph.D program.


    I don't care about ratings, I care about getting into school and getting the opportunity to get published.

    I'm confident that I can excel at school and get published.




    a.  What crucial information am I missing to help you determine my scores?


    b.  What do I need to improve upon?


    c.  Anything else I can do?

  3. Hello Everyone,


    I have been substitute teaching around the world for a few years.  I want to present my case to study in the highly competitive world of I/O psychology.


    Here is what I have; can any of you tell me what I need?


    1.  Here is what I have:


    a. B.A. from Brown University, 3.8 in history

    b. 640 M, 690 V, 6.0 in Writing from the GRE taken on 9/3/2010

    c.  In the middle of undergrad, I took a 3 year personal leave of absence from Brown to study at University of California- Irvine.  I had so many personal problems that I did terribly there (a 3.055); but, I showed Dean's Honor List before and after these events occurred.  I did finish with my usual 4.0 average my last semester at Brown. 

    d.  While at UCI, I did contribute a lot to a project I started and got funded.  We aimed to increase intelligence/GMA through training.  I was the favorite of the Dean of the Education school, at least until he passed away tragically and suddenly.

    e.  I got three journal articles published, with me included as a primary author.

    f.  Because I've taught abroad these last few years, I've taken seven community college classes, thereby earning me 5 Associates Degrees in Psychology, Business Admin, Social/Behavioral Sciences, Arts and Humanities, Math and Science, all with a 4.0.

    (I know AA degrees may not help me professionally or for grad school; but, I want to at least show I have a penchant for the material: psychology + bus admin + social/behavioral science) together.


    g.  I've been long-term substitute teaching abroad.  I want to use my experience living in 5 countries to show that I have some perspective, and not just a migrant worker.


    2.  I want any Master's in I/O psychology at a minimum of cost to me.  I've always been a good student and can get published. But, it's taken me five years to pay off undergrad debt; I want a program that can give me a good price.  I have the "intensity" but not the "on-track" and "focused" aspects I need.


    3.  Here's what I need, since I have no experience:


    a.  General guidance for how many schools to apply to, what to expect in terms of debt, etc.

    b.  Someone to look at me objectively and tell me what I need in an honest manner.  (I.e. you need a higher GRE, etc.)

    c.  A copy of what a good package looks like.  I have a resume, but not an academic one.

    d.  Keeping my finger's crossed, I'd like to get a mentor on this forum who could help guide me.  The biggest part is this anxiety.

    Thanks for the consideration


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