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Everything posted by Linny

  1. Hey guys, I intended to apply this year some of the european schools but makes me want to narrow down my application now.. I was thinking of applying to : Oxford, LSE, IHEID and Sciences Po and have already applied to Sciences Po, due to scholarship deadline and was thinking of applying the rest on the Jan deadline. However, I just have received admission from ScPo, and do not want to apply to LSE and IHEID anymore. The main reason was that, I was actually bit afraid that I might not get accepted to any of the schools because I just made a quick decision of applying and couldn't prepare well.. And LSE and IHEID don't have the courses that I'm particularly looking for, as I would like to focus my IR on regional basis. Plus they rarely offer fundings, and expensive livings, don't really attract me much.. For these reasons, I really don't want to apply, but on the other hand makes me want to apply because of their names and reputation. Moreover, since I don't have IR background from my undergrad, I thought it would be better to start off my IR career with solid background. One more thing, I plan to do my Ph.D, after graduation or later, and am curious if thesis is really required for Ph.D admission or not because some of those schools don't require thesis for graduation. My top priority is Oxford and Sciences Po. Oxford intensively focuses on the region that I would like to study (Msc Contemporary India) but its an interdisciplinary course, not really IR and very competitive to get in. Sciences Po offers IR (depends on the courses but it offers exactly what I want like to study in IR) + regional and thematic concentrations where I can focus on various areas including the regional one and internship for a semester. I cannot decide whether to apply to the rest or not because the scholarship for Sciences Po is still pending.. (I think the result will come around March or after) Should I still apply to LSE or IHEID or just leave out and focus on Oxford admission? Your advice would be really appreciated and helpful !!
  2. Hi, For Science Po, no work experience won't really matter. I literally have no real working experience but just received an admission from Science Po.
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