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Everything posted by floatinggreenskull

  1. I am (im)patiently hoping I hear positive news from one last school which I've been wait listed at. I would absolutely love to attend!! Maybe tomorrow... But yes, congratulations to all for just about making it through this admit season, no matter where the tides end up carrying you!
  2. I emailed my program as well, and got a very kind and unexpectedly lengthy response saying basically that they didn't know yet. Really have my fingers crossed for this one...but man, we are getting down to the wire. I shall be hitherto glued to my phone and email (maybe more than usual these last few months, haha). This thread is great, though. It's so wonderful seeing when other people get off the 'List!! I shall remain hopeful...
  3. I have a similar quandary...I was wait-listed at my top program two weeks ago and told to hopefully expect them to contact me by April 1. I responded with a short affirmation that I was very interested at the first email, but would it be appropriate to email them again today and ask about my status/chances? Or should I just be patient? I've been admitted to another good program who would like me to commit ASAP...
  4. I was just officially notified of being on the wait list for NYU. They said they'd know more about who they can admit by April 1... I'm relieved that my suspicions have been confirmed, and honoured/excited to have even got this far, though! Best of luck to you, I hope you get a similar email today.
  5. I applied, but I had heard that they had already contacted the applicants they wanted...? Personally assuming another rejection. One more school to hear from before decisions. Come on, NYU...
  6. @NightGallery, I'm so sorry to hear this news, and I know you must be feeling more than a bit lost at this point. Life is indeed an entanglement of many twisting paths, and we can seldom foretell just where we may end up at any point along the way...but with your attitude, I know success will find you! You're very inspiring!
  7. I was just rejected from UCLA this morning. Good luck to everyone else!
  8. Who has applied to NYU's ethno program? I saw a rejection go up a little while ago, but I've personally not heard a peep. Could this mean I made some sort of unofficial wait list? Does anyone know of anyone who has been accepted? Edit: I've also not heard anything from Columbia's ethno program. I am presuming a rejection.
  9. Ah yes, I had completely forgot about that, @dinny! Thank you for reminding me that the current year gives us all free reign to snark at one another without repercussion through the anonymity of an internet forum. I am certainly now enlightened! And for the record, my 24 hours here at the campus would be spent freely...no scheduled activities or anything of the like, just a tour and briefly meeting people if they're around. Not making excuses, but it's not like the school is having to shift around a huge interconnected group of schedules. And certainly no rescheduling of flights on the school's behalf. My bad once again for not including that info. I am going to suck it up and attend the campus visit.
  10. Thank you for replies, although @rising_star I do not think the tone of your response was necessary. Perhaps I should've mentioned that yes, of course I am already covering the extra airline charges for the first reschedule and would do so again. Without going into more detail, the situation involving my friends involves more things of a severe illness-type nature and I would be very sad to be absent, and no it's not something that can be moved. But in all likelihood it sounds as if I'll just have to deal.
  11. I can not. The only other alternative is asking to move this visit back a few more days. Would that be pushing it as well?
  12. I was accepted to a great program, and they are paying for me to fly out to the campus (I've never been before), meet the department, etc.. Unfortunately, I've had a bit of a health crisis and just got out of the hospital yesterday after being in ICU all week. I was supposed to fly out this coming Wednesday, but I contacted the coordinator and briefly explained my situation/asked if I could move it back a week, as I'm not sure I have it in me to travel right now. She was very accommodating and I even managed to get the airline fares all lined up for new tickets, this time departing March 9. Unfortunately, I was arranging this while still in the ICU and rather out of it, and forgot that I have an important obligation that week that I'd rather not miss...but here I went and just double booked myself. My previous obligation has nothing to do with grad school or anything like that, I just feel like I need to be present and supportive of some friends... Also -- there is a possibility I could push it back even further. Do you think they'd be annoyed if I asked? What do you suggest? I am torn. Do I contact her again and cancel...again??? Like I said, I'm already accepted, but I don't want to seem ungrateful or disinterested...or make a bad impression. Please help!
  13. @lecturesonnothing I also applied to UCLA, though I'm not sure if the ethno and straight up musicology departments operate on the same schedule. I haven't heard anything at all from them yet...hoping this week yields something.
  14. I'm in the same boat...a reach school for me just posted an email acceptance in my program. My status on their website remains unchanged, and I've yet to hear anything from them. Fully expecting to be rejected from this one, but still...
  15. Congrats to the Columbia ethno admit!! Since I haven't heard anything yet, I am assuming this means I will get my rejection soon.
  16. Congrats, @anthrostudentcyn !!!!!!
  17. Same, and you also said it quite perfectly. I am also still waiting on 5 other schools before I can make any final decisions. Not helping.
  18. Haha, thank you. It shall be an adventure, for sure, but I can be so darn sentimental. On another note, I've always wanted to visit Virginia. Maybe someday!
  19. Now that I know that I am for sure attending a program in the Fall, I've actually been feeling a little somber in between the highs of happiness. Moving across the continent to a new city for 5 years, without knowing a soul nor having any sort of support system, and having to say goodbye to some people here in my hometown who are very close to me...just...makes me sad and a bit anxious. Don't get me wrong, I am so excited to start this new chapter in my life in a few months and I will definitely visit home as much as I can, but it's still a unique feeling. Anyone else sort of experiencing this?
  20. I had a crappy morning at work, so when I was off instead of going straight home to stew, I called up my good friend and asked if we could get lattes or something. As we were driving in her car, my phone alerted me to an email (and I had just been jokingly venting to her a few minutes earlier about how a musicological mailing list I am on is constantly sending me stuff, thus giving me small anxiety attacks several times a day). "Ugggh I wonder what this one is..." -- me, opening the email and hiding it with my finger so I can reveal it a bit at a time. (Schrodinger's Email...?) "AN ACCEPTANCE," she exclaims in her blessedly normal positive manner. I am doubtful but as I slowly pull my finger away, I see the words "Congratulations," "acceptance," etc....and I start to read it aloud to her, breaking into full-blown sobbing of happiness as I do so. My first acceptance, with a dream financial package, and honestly the first time anything like this has ever happened in my life. Still waiting on 5 other schools to get back to me, but it feels so...validating? to know I've got a spot that I would be more than excited to attend, and that I am for sure leaving my hometown in a few short months to begin this new adventure.
  21. Hey, I had a 30 min Skype interview for a PhD program a few days ago (also my first experience of this nature). They asked why I had chosen to apply to their program, and also asked if I had any questions (I had like 5 prepared in advance). They also asked about my research interests, currently and in the future -- but this shouldn't have to be something you need to study in advance for an interview. It was slightly awkward because that's the nature of the beast, but the conversation carried itself. If I were you I'd simply spend a few minutes on the school site reminding myself why I'd decided to apply there (small/large department size? really awesome POI(s)? resources? location?) and don't stress about it a ton.
  22. *hugs* *offers tray of endless chocolate/ice cream/coffee* Rejections sting. It ain't over yet though! Try to keep your head up. The closer we get to March, the more on edge I am feeling. On the one hand, I kind of like the excitement of knowing that I will be hearing back from everyone sometime in the next few weeks. Any day could be "the one" where I might get an awesome acceptance. On that same hand, however, I am so so afraid I am going to get rejected from absolutely everywhere. And then on the third hand...which is probably the most unwieldy and impatient hand of them all...I really do loathe this waiting game to the most extreme degree. I have a Skype interview lined up with a good program next week, which is cool, but they will need to offer me a lot of funding in order for me to attend...and it's a masters, so, unlikely I think.
  23. Hang in there!! And my congratulations as well to the scattered acceptances recently. Meanwhile, I shall continue to drown my own anxieties in coffee and existential dread.
  24. Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, for me.
  25. Add me to the "first rejection" pile. -_-;;
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