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Posts posted by SandS2009

  1. Really? I just realized that I actually remember seeing 150 and 151 as 50%, I also think you're fine, don't stress it, it could have been worse, you could have had my scores lol

    Ahhh nope my first deadline is December 1st. Oops! According to ETS, my quantitative score was in the 40th percentile but then looking at the schools I've seen "competitive applicants have a quantitative score in the 60th percentile, or a 150" so now I have no idea! I'm just hoping my verbal is strong enough to offset it. 

  2. If you can find a date after finals and 15 business days before the first deadline for grad school and are able to study before the GRE then why not.. but your scores are at the 50% so you're okay, mine are far below lol 

    I've been considering retaking my GRE, but I just don't think there is enough time. I'm used to doing a lot better on standardized tests but I did very little prep as well :(

  3. Arggg I had a feeling that may be the case! I've honestly had no time to even figure out when to take it or to even study, my stupidity for not taking it this summer. Thanks for the heads up though, I have my list of schools and the deadlines and I actually just looked them over, in my list only Kean has the Jan 15 deadline, and the rest are early to mid Feb. So hopefully my second set of scores reach Kean in time and if not I'll have to inform them. Thanks for mentioning that though!

    Just a warning-- if you're doing any schools on CSDCAS the scores might not come in time for the Jan 15 deadline if you take it after finals. That doesn't mean it won't, but there's a chance. If you've already submitted your CSDCAS application for CSDCAS, then you can maybe just warn schools that another GRE score is coming so they look out for it, but for now they'll have the other score. If you're waiting til after you get the new scores in Dec to submit to CSDCAS... I wouldn't. I know my school wants it "verified" by Jan. 15 but that usually means submitting the application on CSDCAS by Dec 15 to give them time to go through your credentials and verify it before the Jan 15 date. But if the school only wants it "completed" by that date then you can wait a little longer.

  4. Yeah definitely wasn't but I had no other choice unfortunately, one grad school has a deadline of Dec 1st so I needed to take it unprepared.

    I figured that I should take it again, but was up in the air on how much studying can truly impact my grades. (Many people have told me oh don't worry about the GRE no one does good and it's pointless to study because there is no true way to studying) though that wasn't my reason for not studying, just didn't have any time! Thanks for the reassurance!

    I don't think it's a good idea to take any test without properly studying for it. I also believe you could improve your score a whole lot with just one month's preparation. Definitely take it again.

  5. Hey everyone, so I posted earlier for some wise words of wisdom when taking the GRE. After hours of what felt like days, I see 145, 145. I know that that is below average, however, I only took 2 practice exams and looked over a few vocabulary words, all last night, prior to that I did not study anything associated with the GRE. My question is, should I retake the GRE again next month, after finals, this way I can actually study.. or do you guys think it doesn't matter, that I'll probably score the same?


    Thanks in advance! =)

  6. Yes-- definitely guess if you don't know! Don't wait to guess til the end though, just incase you run out of time, its better to have an answer and be possibly right than o answer at all. So after  a minute make an educated guess and mark the question then move on... if you have time at the end then go back to the ones your marked/guessed on. Sometimes going on and coming back helps you think about the question better as well. 

    Just go over the simple math rules the day before to help math go more quickly-- like divisibility rules (ie. add up the digits, if the sum is divisible by 3 then the whole number is... like 345    3+4+5= 12  and 12 is divisible by 3 so that means 345 is as well.), know the squares of 1-13, pythagorean theorem, prime numbers from like 2-19 (2 is the lowest prime # and the only even prime #)... stuff like that. I'm sure if you search like "GRE math cheat sheet" or something you'll find these all listed. Although you can do it on the calculator, if you know it off the top of your head it makes it even quicker.

    Like hter person said above, just be calm and do it question by question. If you didn't know the one before just forget about and and focus on the one you have now. You can always go back and you might know how to do ones later on... so don't waste time on one question. I'd say give 2 min max for a question, even less.

    Thanks so much that was extremely helpful, I appreciate it a lot!

  7. Thanks for that, I didn't know you get the same penalty, haha yes I know! I didn't do so bad on the practice test. Had to schedule it last minute for a grad school that has an early deadline, and with 6 classes no time ugh lol! But thanks for the info! 


    Take it question-by-question. If you don't know the answer after a minute or two, skip it and guess at the end of the section. You get the same penalty for blank answers as you do for wrong ones.


    Also, don't expect to do awesome if you already know you should have studied more. :D

  8. I can tell you this much, SJU is VERY competitive, I go there for ungrad and I've been told that they barely accept anyone from SJU undergrad into their grad programs, these schools only have room for a limited amount of students, my GPA is a 3.7 and I don't even think I can get accepted. I'm taking my GRE tomorrow, and have yet to study! Ugh, hopefully we can all get accepted, but I would recommend looking into schools that are not so competitive and maybe go over your application, maybe you can strengthen your personal essays, maybe you need to ask different professors for your LR, take those into consideration when applying to other schools! 

  9. Thanks so much! I'll try that on Chrome hopefully it works for me!


    A screenshot is okay for unofficial. However, here are some alternatives that might look a little bit better:


    1. Print your transcript from the screen you are viewing it, but choose to save it as a PDF instead of sending it to a printer. This is easy on Google Chrome (not sure how to do this on other browsers).


    2. If it's not too expensive, order your own copy of an official transcript, then scan it and you'll have a PDF! 

  10. Hey everyone, so I'm currently getting into the process of applying to schools, and my GRE is Tuesday, YIKES, wish me luck! Anyway, almost all of the colleges are asking for uploaded unofficial.. AND I don't know how to upload that ugh lol.. Do you guys think it's okay if I use my MAC screenshot option and save the files as a PDF? Also my unofficial doesn't have my name on it, found that a little weird but I'm assuming it's normal? If anyone has any other suggestions on how to upload the documents please let me know! Thanks! (=

  11. Hey, I think your problem is that you are substituting the which is a fricative with another fricative, maybe you should change your examples to using [t] instead of [th], if you do that, it would be stopping 

    Hi everyone, I'm Jake, 1st year SLP student. Not sure if this is in the correct forum, but it seemed the most appropriate. Anyways...


    I have an assignment where we classify phonological processes. I've been able to do this  without too much trouble, but there's one that keeps recurring that I can't place. Here's some examples:


    "this" --> "dith" (/s/ becomes voiceless "th"; I have stopping for "th" becoming /d/)

    "nose" --> "nothe" (/s/ becomes voiceless "th")

    "whistle" --> "withel" (/s/ becomes voiceless "th")


    and a similar one:


    "zipper" --> (voiced "th") "thipper" (/z/ becomes voiced "th")


    Apologies, not sure how to get IPA in here.


    I might be having a brain fart after doing these for a few hours, but I just can't place the error into a specific process. I've been using the phonological process chart from "mommy speech therapy", as it seems to have a more comprehensive list than the one my professor used. Still, no luck. Does anyone have any ideas? Thanks.

  12. The programs in the NY and NJ area are very competitive so you want to try to get a good GRE score so that it makes your application more competitive. I don't know how much each program weighs GRE scores but I've heard that some programs do have a cut off score of 300 (verbal and math combined). I applied to programs in the NY/NJ area and did not have an exceptional GRE score (my combined score was over 300 though) and that worked for me. Hope this helps and good luck!

     That definitely helps, thanks so much I appreciate it! As long as I know that others didn't do as well on their GRE's have gotten accepted to schools in NY lol. Thanks again! 

  13. Hey everyone! I graduated from UCLA two months ago and have been interning/volunteering with SLPs and OTs ever since. I reallly love the field of SLP. I won't be able to go back to school until September of next year, and in the mean time, I could really use a job!


    I have been applying to Behavior Interventionist jobs lately, but I keep getting rejected from them because I don't have enough experience working with autistic kids. I was wondering if anyone has any advice on what jobs I can have now that is related to a field in SLP? Thank you!!!

    Hey, I just started my job as an early intervention sub/after school teacher for children with special needs. I work for a private school that is funded by the board of Ed. Maybe you can also look into EI schools! 

  14. Hey guys, I've been posting on everyone's thread writing the same thing :mellow: ... sorry about that! I'm new to this and just getting the hang of it. I was wondering if anyone has heard from others or knows first hand if GRE scores are extremely important? I have a 3.7 overall GPA and a 3.75 in SLP, I also work as an Early Intervention pre-k teacher, and my letters of recommendation will be strong. However, I am afraid that my GRE scores will not be very strong, and I'm extremely nervous if that plays a major role in acceptance. I live in NY so I'd like to stay within the NY and NJ region. I was just wondering if someone has any insight on this? And any tips for the GRE and applying to grad schools. Thanks so much!  :D

  15. @rainsonata : I was under the impression that each recommender would write one letter and send the same one to all the schools ? Or is that incorrect?

    Hey, no each grad school requires different types of LR's. Some want the professor to electronically submit them, others want them in a sealed envelope with the professors signatures across the seal. From my experience all schools have different formats for the letters of rec. you can see them once you start the application process, also, it is said you should waive your rights to viewing what your professors wrote about you!

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