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Posts posted by katsharki3

  1. On 11/21/2015, 9:20:38, shadowclaw said:

    My other midterm was also crap. My only consolation is that my grade was pretty close to the class average and it's also worth very little. The test was so subjective and the TA told us not to feel too bad about our grades because the professor's tests are normal really difficult. I hate exams like that. Why make a test so hard that your students struggle to get a B?

    We also at my school have one teacher who seems to enjoy giving graduate students Bs and Cs. ...Well,  maybe not enjoy exactly, but he's the only professor who consistently gives students Bs and Cs in classes, by making his exams hard, not wording his own questions well, and being very picky about what answers he wants in essay type questions--no full points if you don't use the exact right wording that he wants (even if your answer is otherwise correct)! This is generally known and accepted, but yeah, I definitely don't understand it. All of the students who do poorly in his class do well in their other classes, so it's clearly not all down to their intelligence (though part of it might be that he teaches the required genetics classes which are often harder for people). Why would you make your class so hard that so many grad students get Cs? And thus make it hard for them to get fellowships, keep funding, etc? 

  2. I'd say you are definitely going to need a car, yes. There is a bus system, but I think it's only very reliable around the downtown area, and there are many areas of town where the buses don't reach. Plus it takes so much longer to commute on the bus. I mean, you could maybe survive with just the bus if you were planning on trying to live in the downtown area near school, though I have no idea what sorts of apartments are around there. And having a car is definitely helpful as far as getting around to different grocery stores and other stores, as well as if you'd ever want to go to the beach--the buses don't go there! 

  3. Hey there! I'm currently a master's in Biology student at University of North Florida in Jacksonville.

    I'm not sure if you're looking specifically for "graduate student housing," or just housing in general. As far as I know there's no official graduate student housing unless you live on campus, which is ridiculously expensive. But in general it's pretty easy to find relatively affordable housing in Jacksonville, as long as you don 't insist on living near the beach or in a "nicer" expensive area. I live with one roommate in the Mandarin/Baymeadows area, and my rent is $420 a month, plus then about another ~$100-$150 in utilities depending on the season (i.e. how much air conditioning we use). You can find similar prices in a lot of areas, though, again, not so much near the beach.

    Let me know if you have any other questions about Jacksonville! What school are you applying to?

  4. Katsharki, I don't have any advice for you beyond what was already suggested, but I can relate. In my first semester of my masters program, I took a current topics course related to neuroscience because there weren't a lot of ecology courses offered that semester and I thought it might be interesting. I bombed the second exam even though I thought I knew the material well (I think I got around a 75). I still got a B+ for the course even though I didn't get an A on any of the exams. Thankfully, my paper and presentation both earned me A's and helped boost my grade. I'm still mad about that class, though, because I missed the A- by two points. 

    My second semester, my advisor and I agreed that I should take an animal physiology course... boy was that a mistake. It was a comparative course and I had little experience in anatomy and physiology beyond what we covered in general biology lab (which wasn't much). I had such a rough time. I started with a 70 on the first exam and slowly my exam grades went up until I finally got an A on the final. It was another instance where a great paper grade saved me and I got a B.

    I know that you're worried about losing your TA position, but aside from that, make sure you don't get hung up on having that B. One or two B's amongst a sea of A's really doesn't matter.

    Thanks for your reassurance. In general, reading your other posts and knowing you got into a good PhD program even with a couple Bs from your master's programs, that alone makes me feel better. I'm still not sure if I want to go on to a PhD myself, but I was also freaking out about the multitude of people that seem to say that PhD programs expect a perfect GPA in a master's program, and one B essentially kills your chances to get into a PhD program. Your experience seems to prove that wrong though.

    I did go talk to the professor for the course today, and got a chance to look at my exam. I ended up making a bunch of rather stupid mistakes on some of the problems, so I definitely do deserve that 78.5, despite the fact I thought I had understood everything when I turned it in. I'm just definitely going to have to make sure I clarify any questions I may have on our take-home exam and work consistently hard on my paper for that class. I'm kind of doubtful I'll be able to raise my grade to an A- or even a B+ (though I suppose it is possible), but hopefully I can at least get it up to that B grade and avoid academic probation. 

    I'm not so much concerned about the grades in that, well, yeah, clearly I didn't understand everything, so I deserve that grade. And I'm working now to go through the problems I missed, make sure I understand everything, and do a better job with analyzing what some of my answers mean. My goal here definitely is more to make sure I understood the material well by the end of the semester, though of course having the high grade is nice...

    Definitely am still scared right now about that B minus grade and academic probation. But it is good to hear that this happens to other people and they are able to work up from this point. Getting a C on my first exam just made me feel very defeated and like I'm not cut out for a master's program.

    Hopefully I can work hard to prove that feeling I have right now wrong, and build up from this point. Going to keep trucking on. 

  5. I wouldn't talk to the graduate coordinator just yet. Instead, I would talk to the professor about your performance. Maybe the professor can help you identify what you don't understand or how you could have more clearly explained things on your take-home midterm.

    Well, as it turns out the professor for this class is also the graduate coordinator. So thus the graduate coordinator is clearly aware of what my grade is in this class. And I figure while I'm asking him for help with the class specifically, it can't hurt to check with him about how serious they tend to be about receiving a B- and keeping the TAship since I'm concerned and he'll have an answer.

    I failed my first exam in my master's program - like, got an F. Failed. But you know what? On the next one, I got an A because I talked to my professor, identified my mistakes, and corrected for them. After that it was smooth sailing as far as grades. Grad school is an adjustment, and what tactics worked before may not necessarily work now. I wouldn't worry just yet. Talk to the professor, identify your mistakes and then go from there. Resilience weighs more than straight A's. 

    Thanks for this. I'm definitely going to talk to the professor for help so I can try to correct my mistakes, make sure I'm on track for the paper, and definitely at least make sure I keep this B- if not raise it up to a solid B. I'm not expecting straight As in grad school, I really do want to learn and understand what it is I'm not quite getting. Improve my knowledge and grow in different areas.

    But since this class is just our 2 tests and a paper, getting a C on one fo those is concerning, and for grades I'm more concerned about the fact that if we receive a B- in a class (which I have right now) then we risk losing our TAship. So yes, definitely going to talk to the professor and work hard to correct my mistakes. And try not to freak out too much, because while being aware of my shortcomings will help me do better, freaking out over them too much won't really help in the long run.

    But thanks for the reassurance. I do imagine Cs on tests in certain grad school disciplines is more common than people want to discuss, especially in a (tough) course in one's first year. Doesn't really make me feel better about myself, but it helps to know I'm not the only one who showed a poor performance on a first exam in grad school. 

  6. So one of my classes so far is going really well--at the moment at least I have an A in that class. We'll see what my grade ends up being on the second exam, but overall the material for that class is much easier for me to follow and understand. This class is also directly related to my thesis project, and is actually taught by my advisor, so it's good that this class is going well.

    But the other class I'm taking...well, apparently not going so well. We just got back our grades on our take home exam, and I got a 78, leaving me with a B- in that class. I knew I hadn't aced that test or even gotten an A on it, but I genuinely thought I'd understood the material better than that "C" grade reflects. I know the best course of action here (which I plan on doing) is talking to the professor for that class about how to make sure I can do better on the take home final and ensure I'm on track for the paper that is also part of our grade for that class.

    But I'm still freaking out. If I really step up my game, then hopefully I can manage to bring that B- up to a B, but I do feel like it's much more likely I'll end up being stuck with that B-. That's the lowest grade I've had in a class in a long long time, which is scary in itself. But even more scary than that is the fact that at my school, anything less than a B is essentially considered failing. Not a B-, but a B. The handbook says if you get a B- you'll be placed on academic probation, and may risk losing your TAship. Which, like, seriously can't happen because otherwise there's no way I can afford to keep going to this school. 

    I don't really know that I'm asking for any advice here, because of course the best actions are to talk to my professor and the graduate coordinator to see how serious this really is. But I am very scared and definitely questioning my abilities as a scientist or ability to complete my master's program now. I guess maybe I'm just looking for some reassurance that grades like this do happen to others in grad school, and I'm not just an idiot who clearly isn't cut out for a master's program. 


  7. Backpack because I don't want to worsen my scoliosis I gave myself because I was in school when it was cool to do one shoulder for book bags.

    I use a canvas tote for most days now that I'm done with classes and just have paperwork keys and my access card to carry around


    Haha, I also have scoliosis, and I just wanted to say I don't think you really "gave it to yourself" by using a one shoulder book bag. It might have made it worse, but scoliosis in itself is genetic.  ;)

  8. I used to use a messenger bag through high school and my first two years of college. It became second nature to me. But then I switched to a backpack my junior year, and it was really amazing how much better my back/shoulders felt after just 2 days using a backpack. But I also imagine it's very much a personal choice as far as how much you will be carrying around. And my professors vary as far as what they use--a couple use backpacks, some use messenger bags, and some just use the traditional briefcase that has to be carried in your hand. 


    It might be best to have both, and maybe use the backpack when you have to carry multiple books/laptop, but have a messenger bag you can use at conferences and such to look more professional? Also depends on what your commute is--if you just walk from your car to your office/classes, a messenger bag might not be too bad. But I take the bus and walk to school, so a messenger bag really starts to hurt after a while. 


    It also is possible for backpacks to look professional. My professors use simple black backpacks, like this type: http://www.www8-hp.com/h22175/UKStore/Html/Merch/Images/c03513831_1560x1144.jpg

  9. Question fellow Ecology people !! 


    Can someone explain how TAships work with tuition??? You get paid ~12k a year but then do you also pay tuition for the courses? or does this ~12k get directly applied to your course fees? 


    I'm so confused!!! It might be a totally dumb queston but I had to ask.  :huh:


    It really depends on the school. For me, with the TAship I got at UNF I'll get $12,000/yr and that covers partial tuition (or, in the words of the biology coordinator, "a bit more than half"). I also did end up getting a scholarship that I think will end up covering the rest of tuition.


    But yeah, it really varies. So you need to ask a grad school adviser/coordinator. You could also try asking your PI, but often they don't really know the exact details of how funding works.

  10. Just as a note to everyone: if you want to save the pdf of your reviewer comments, you can't just save it as a PDF for some reason (it is as a .do file, whatever that is). Or at least I can't.


    Simple fix: Just Print-->Save to PDF 


    ...This may seem like common sense to a lot of people (sorry if so), but i just wanted to put this out there in case anyone else was confused but wanted to save a copy of their comments. :D

  11. Yeah, I didn't get it either, which quite frankly I definitely expected. I thought my project was good, but my proposal definitely wasn't cohesive...I've never done something like this before, as I'm a senior undergrad. On the plus side, I got a lot of really great reviews (which actually surprised me) and they all seemed to think my project idea was good (if not fully put together)! A bit of a mixed bag on what the three reviewers thought about my broader impacts/outreach for my personal statement. I don't have a lot of traditional teaching experience, but have done an outreach internship and worked as a program leader for my university's stranding program, but some reviewers didn't seem to think that was enough. Ah well. That's certainly something I can work on this summer and while I'm in grad school with my TAship and all. 


    All in all, I'm pleased with the reviews I got back, and definitely eager to redefine my focus once I'm at grad school and hopefully get 2 more chances to apply for it again! :D


    Just for reference: VG/VG, VG/G, VG/VG (Geosciences-Marine Biology)

  12. Thanks! I'm super excited about OSU, but I still need to find out about funding. The NSF GRFP notifications are likely going out tonight. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for myself and everyone else on here applying for it.

    I noticed in another thread that katsharki was accepted to UNF. Congrats!


    Thanks! Congrats to you too on your acceptance!


    I'm still waiting a bit on funding too before I accept the offer at UNF. It comes with a paid TAship ($12000/yr) and partial tuition waiver, but I'm also up for another graduate scholarship from the school that would probably cover the rest. In all honesty, I'll probably take the offer either way because the research seems too good to pass up (studying hammerhead reproductive biology through the use of hormones), but I do want to wait to see just what the full package will be.

  13. This is one of the few times I can appreciate the 6 hour time difference between Hawaii and the east coast. When the results come out at 2 - 3 am EST, it'll still be 20:00 or 21:00 on Monday here.  :D


    (EDIT: or whenever the results come out. Still trying to not get my hopes up that it will be tonight)

  14. You guys are overstressing. There is no pattern, rhyme, or reason between years...


    I'm not the one trying to make a pattern, but for the past 7 years at least the results have always come out on a Tuesday or a Friday. Of course that doesn't mean they will this year, but it is something. 


    Yeah. The odds are against you. There will be approximately 10,000 sad people the day they post. All the applications are high caliber. Just depends on luck. How lucky are you? Now ask yourself. Do you really think you are so special that you are better than many other good scientist applying? Don't be selfish and conceited. Every single person that applied has just a good a chance as you. My friend that won last year only filled out 1 page for the proposal and one page for the personal statement and somehow won. =/ Bet the judges just liked that he was simple and down to the point. O.o


    ...Not sure where this came from, because 2 of us just said we aren't expecting to get it and won't be disappointed if we don't because we know the odds aren't great. None of us said we thought we had a better chance than anyone else?  :huh:

  15. Officially Thursday, March 26th.

    In response to others, I just want the news either way. I think we all have to expect the odds are very slim for everyone, so I know at least for me there won't be a major disappointment factor.

    Oh how nice it would be if we get the results a bit early this Friday, early morning! Any late emails will get my heartbeat going


    Ah I definitely agree with this. I know there is a very slim chance I'll get the fellowship, so I'm not expecting to. If I don't get it, there will be some disappointment, sure, but I definitely won't be crushed. If anything, I'll be more disappointed if my reviewers end up giving me no feedback on my application so I won't know how I can improve in the future.

  16. So I have a hypothetical for everyone. I am a first year PhD student. Say I am awarded a fellowship. How would it be viewed if I applied to transfer to another institution? Obviously my current institution would be pissed, but they're awful and I wouldn't care about that. Would the institution I'm applying to be happy to accept a transfer GRFP scholar no questions asked? Do you think they'd let me skip the normal application process and enroll for the Fall? 


    I don't know much about graduate school I'll admit as I'm a first time applicant to a master's program...but I imagine no school would allow you to skip the normal application process even if you are coming in with your own money. There's all sorts of decisions that go in to deciding cohort size of a new incoming class, and any school you'd be looking at likely has already made most of their decisions about who will be coming to their program in the Fall. 

  17. So I have a question for everyone. I've in contact with a PI at VIMS since October, and he did generally seem very interested in my application and my abilities/experience. But ever since January, I haven't heard back from him. He had asked for a phone interview in January, and I got back to him about 2 days later with my availability (I had been travelling at the time or I would have gotten back earlier). Then nothing. I e-mailed him again 2 weeks ago just to check in, see if he was still interested in my application, wanted to talk on the phone/Skype, etc. And....nothing.  :( 


    I guess I'm just wondering if it would be OK to e-mail him again, or even maybe try to call? I'm not hopeful about my chances of getting into VIMS as I've already seen a few acceptances on the results page, so there's a good chance they've already sent all of their acceptances out. But if possible I would like to get feedback from him about my application and if/why I'm not admitted to the program. Just like, "Hey, just wanted to check in one last time, see if you were still interested in me as a student, if you know my application status, if you have any advice for me in the future?"


    Is this OK?

  18. And other kind young soul:


    University Of Texas At Austin; Electrical And Computer Engineering, PhD (F15); Rejected

    "Fuck that professor who told me that he would support me until last week, but refused to answer any emails after that. Probably he found another student. Please behave according to ethics you filthy beasts at UT Austin."


    While I agree this is too strong a reaction, I understand where he's coming from. I got a rejection letter in the mail from a school where I'd been in contact with the POI since September. And I had what I thought was a good phone interview with him. So I was really annoyed that he didn't e-mail me to let me know he'd decided to go with another student. Instead I just got that generic rejection letter. I mean, I know professors are busy, but how hard is it to write a quick e-mail, "Hey, sorry, I decided to go with another applicant who I felt was a better fit to my lab. But you are a very qualified applicant, and I wish you luck with your other applications"??? Or something like that?


    My understanding is that it totally depends on the program.  I know that MIT/WHOI and Scripps (oceanography) do not care if you have external funding or not; they are going to fund you through their program anyways and if you are rejected it is not because of financial reasons.  I looked into this a little deeper and it seems that programs that are "funding blind" won't care one bit if you win the fellowship or not because [lack of] funding was not the issue when the rejection was reached.  


    I know things have changed a lot since the 80s, but my professor who got his PhD in biological oceanography at Scripps there was one year there when only one person got accepted to his lab group because he came in with external funding from the Office of Naval Research. So even at those top institutions, I'm fairly sure there are cases where funding is an issue--you could be a fabulous applicant, but they just didn't get enough money in grants to fund students for that year. I mean, again, I know things change, but funding has definitely been an issue concerning Scripps admission in the past at least.

  20. I know it is a total bummer and I can understand the feeling as I was rejected by all programs applied to last year.  It looks like VIMS is still in the running and even though they are not your top choice keep in mind that VIMS is a much respected program.  


    *forgot why I was responding....


    ...some schools have Spring admissions; URI and Maryland are two that come to mind.  Not sure if either school is doing anything with elasmobranchs, though. 


    Also found this on that TAMU site Shadow Claw posted about:




    Thanks for all the help guys! :)


    VIMS and UNF actually are my first choices as it happens. That just almost makes it worse, because I know if I get rejected from both those schools it's going to hurt 100x more than my rejection from UNE. I e-mailed both my PIs at those schools on Wednesday and didn't hear back, so I'm trying to not be too optimistic...but also still kind of praying for good news?


    And really, thanks for all the help about jobs. I have been looking at the AFS site and the TAMU site, though I didn't know about the ECOLOG listserv. At this point, while I am not overly optimistic about my chances at getting into either one of those schools, I do feel it is a bit premature for me to start applying for jobs? I don't know, I would just hate to be the person who gets a job and then says "Whoops just kidding I'm going to grad school!" Hopefully I'll hear back from those schools by the end of this month, and I have to hear back by April 15th at the latest. That still gives me a month before graduation to apply for jobs. And since I'm already going home to Colorado at least immediately after graduation, I'm sure my parents would be OK if I stayed just the summer or part of it at their house while still looking for jobs, finding what work I can in Colorado. I mean, my sister stayed with them for the 3 months before she started grad school 2 years ago, so I at least have that argument.


    This may be stupid planning. If anyone thinks I should absolutely be applying for jobs right now, please do let me know. I am looking around for what is out there. But also still trying to hold onto the thread of hope that one of those 2 schools at least will accept me.


    Good luck with admissions everyone! This waiting really sucks, but I'm thinking good thoughts for all of you!

  21. Katsharki3, this might be a longshot and I do not know which island you are on...but... why don't you stop in to see a few professors at UHM or UHH and ask them about their lab opening or if they have any collaborators that have openings. Asking in person and building that relationship is 1000 times better than an email. You are in a great spot for shark research and I am sure that if you do not get accepted this go around then you could work with NOAA or a similar organization in Hawaii and definitely get in next year!


    As a side note, I am completely envious of you being in Hawaii! I lived 10 mins away from UH-M for a bit in 2012 and absolutely loved it. I cannot wait to go back!

    This is certainly very good advice, but I am actually moving away from Hawaii after graduation in May regardless of what happens with graduate school or any possible jobs. I can barely afford to live here as it is with the support I'm getting from my parents and my scholarships. It may end up now that deciding to move away from Hawaii regardless of what happens was a bad decision, as there is a good amount of research going on here...but I'm not sure how often any research positions here end up being paid, and I definitely cannot afford to live here especially if I end up having to do an unpaid internship-part time job combination...

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