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    2015 Fall
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  1. Hi everyone! I'm a third year student in a School Psychology PhD program in the Northeast. Due to random life circumstances, I would like to continue to be enrolled as a student in my program, but continue my studies away from campus...in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. While living there, I'm hoping to a) work on my dissertation b) apply for internship (for 5th year) and c) complete one or more practica. I now have to begin the process of finding possible practicum sites in and around MIlwaukee. My plan is to simply google schools, hospitals, and clinics in the area and contact them to ask if they would be willing to take a practicum student. I'm also thinking contacting the Wisconsin School Psychology Association might be helpful. However, I am not familiar with the state of Wisconsin at all. Are there any Wisconsin-based school psych (or clinical psych) students out there who might be able to point me in the right direction? Any suggestions on where I might start looking for practica sites? Thank you in advance for any help you might offer! It would be sooo incredibly appreciated!
  2. Hi everyone! I'm a third year student in a School Psychology PhD program in the Northeast. Due to random life circumstances, I would like to continue to be enrolled as a student in my program, but continue my studies away from campus...in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. While living there, I'm hoping to a) work on my dissertation b) apply for internship (for 5th year) and c) complete one or more practica. I now have to begin the process of finding possible practicum sites in and around MIlwaukee. My plan is to simply google schools, hospitals, and clinics in the area and contact them to ask if they would be willing to take a practicum student. I'm also thinking contacting the Wisconsin School Psychology Association might be helpful. However, I am not familiar with the state of Wisconsin at all. Are there any Wisconsin-based school psych (or clinical psych) students out there who might be able to point me in the right direction? Any suggestions on where I might start looking for practica sites? Thank you in advance for any help you might offer! It would be sooo incredibly appreciated!
  3. Hi boston25, I applied (and was later accepted) to several School Psychology PhD programs - including UMass Amherst - this past fall, and I will be attending a university in New England this September. Based on the information you've provided (GRE scores, research and clinical experience, GPA), I think you're qualified to apply directly to PhD programs. I would just recommend making sure that you write a strong statement of purpose. Also, you may have already come across these, but here are some posts you might find helpful: my first post, from when I started looking into School Psychology PhD programs: Fall 2015 school psych thread: Hope this was at least somewhat helpful! Please feel free to message me with any questions!
  4. Hi everyone, During the last two years of undergraduate study, I worked in a research lab at my university alongside three graduate students. These students helped me immensely during every single step of the graduate school application process and offered tons of insight, guidance, advice, and encoruagement. Now that I've been accepted to graduate school, I'd like to give them each a small gift to show my appreciation, as I honestly do not believe I would have gotten in without their help. Unfortunately, I have no idea what to buy them. Any suggestions? Thank you!
  5. My POI (and assigned advisor) just emailed me to welcome me to the program and told me that I can contact her throughout the spring/summer if I need to "touch base" with her. I am now having difficulty composing a response. I would like to thank her and tell her that I look forward to working with her. However, I was wondering if it would also be appropriate for me to ask her if there was anything specific that she recommends I do now in order to prepare for the Fall semester. Is this an appropriate question? Or, as a graduate student, am I expected to know the answer? Thank you!
  6. I finally made a decision! I just wanted to thank everyone here for being so incredibly helpful throughout the entire application process and answering my multitude of questions. Also, congratulations to everyone who has been accepted to a program!
  7. Thank you so much for responding so quickly!!!
  8. If I have until April 15th to make a decision, does this mean I need to let a school know that I will be attending by the end of the day on the 14th (today)? Or can I still let a school know tomorrow morning (on the 15th)? Thank you so much for any help anyone might offer! (I'm a little freaked out.)
  9. Hi everyone, I have yet another question for current school psychology students. Is there anything you now know that you wish you knew back when you were deciding which school to attend? (Hopefully this question makes sense.) I'm struggling with making a final decision (yes, I know that this is a good problem to have), and I would really appreciate any insight or advice anyone might offer. Thank you!
  10. I'm sorry, that's unfortunate. If you don't mind my asking, are you still happy in your current program, now that your POI has left? Have you still been able to pursue your research interests, or have you had to develop other interests? Thank you!
  11. I'm sorry, that's unfortunate. If you don't mind my asking, are you still happy in your current program, now that your POI has left? Have you still been able to pursue your research interests, or have you had to develop other interests? Thank you!
  12. Hi everyone, First, congratulations to everyone who was accepted to a program! I have a question for those of you who have made a final decision. What was the most important factor that you considered when deciding which program to join (funding, research fit, location, clinical opportunities, etc.)? I am considering a program primarily because my research interests align closely with those of one of its faculty members. However, I am worried that I might be placing too much importance on research fit. After all, what if my POI leaves the program? I don't want to end up in a graduate program in which no one studies what I'd like to study. Does anyone have any thoughts on this? How important is research fit in a SP program? Any advice would be greatly appreciated, as I only have two weeks to make my final decision! Thank you!
  13. new here

    Kingston, RI

    Hi everyone, I am considering attending the University of Rhode Island, and I am trying to learn a little bit more about the area and life at URI. This is a huge decision (I'd be moving from Upstate New York to Rhode Island for a 5 year PhD program), and I would greatly appreciate any information anyone might have about the school and the surrounding area. My three major questions are: 1) What do graduate students at URI do for fun? Are there shopping malls, restaurants, movie theaters, etc. nearby? 2) Where do graduate students typically live? (I know that people have spoken a little about this in previous posts, but some of these posts are a few years old, and I'm wondering if anyone might have more current info.) 3) What is the cost of living like in the area near Kingston? How much should I expect to pay for rent if I would like to live near campus? Thank you!
  14. Hi everyone, I have a question about financial aid. One of the programs to which I have been accepted has offered me an assistantship for the upcoming year, which would waive my tuition and provide a stipend. However, I would only hold this assistantship for the 2015-16 school year. I've been told by the program director that it is "very likely" that I would be offered an assistantship, or some other form of financial assistance, in future years of graduate study, but that this is not guaranteed. I was wondering if anyone else has had a similar experience. Is this (only letting students know about funding for the first year) a common practice amongst SP (PhD) programs? Thank you!
  15. Yes, it was Rutgers! I see you were accepted also. Congrats!
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