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Everything posted by lantedodo

  1. I've listened to 6 episodes so far and am really digging it! Thanks for doing this!!
  2. Subscribed! Thanks for sharing.
  3. Thanks all for the input, very helpful!
  4. Just in case anyone has any advice on which score to post should I have to choose one (I'll list both when possible), here are my full scores: 167v (98%) / 161q (79%) / 4.5 (82%)170v (99%) / 156q (63%) / 5.0 (93%) Also... I applied to MIT with the 167v score set. Should I send along the 170v as well? If it helps to give a sense of my interests: my writing sample is on social epistemology/group belief.
  5. I'd definitely do option 1 or some variation thereof (so long as whatever you submit is appropriately labeled etc) rather than turn the whole thing in late.
  6. PS: 3.5 in not great, but it's by no means "poor." Right?
  7. Not all great philosophers are great at math. As my senior thesis advisor at a high-ranked Ivy told me: "Some of my colleagues here aren't good at math. It doesn't really matter unless you're going into philosophy of physics, etc." And then there's the notable example of Derek Parfit. From a New Yorker piece: In the autumn of 1961, [Parfit] went up to Oxford to read history. (He studied Modern History at Eton, which for England began when the Romans left, in 410.) He was a little bored by the subject, and briefly considered switching to P.P.E.—Philosophy, Politics and Economics. He was apprehensive about the mathematics that economics would involve, however, so he read a few pages of a textbook and came across a symbol he didn’t recognize—a line with a dot above and a dot below. He asked someone to explain it, and when he was told that it was a division sign he felt so humiliated that he decided to stick with history. After Oxford, he went back to America for two years on a Harkness Fellowship. ... He decided to study philosophy. I hope that adcoms keep this in mind when they're faced with that final list of 20 students and are looking for reasons to cut someone. But who knows these days.
  8. Hi Turretin, thanks for the feedback! Percentiles are: 167v (98%) / 161q (79%) / 4.5 (82%)170v (99%) / 156q (63%) / AW?? I feel like the 1 percentile difference in verbal shouldn't make much difference, but then again the 170 looks good. I'll probably send both sets.
  9. Hello all. I took the GRE twice, once three weeks ago and then today: 167v/161q/4.5 170v/156q/?? I'm thinking the first one, or send both maybe (some programs say they consider the highest from each section). SIDE NOTE: When I took it 3 weeks ago, I was on about 3 hours of sleep and little food (had to rush to the testing center). It was horrible. I was totally out of it and could barely function. So I figured I'd take it again and fairly easily beat that score. Today I took it again and felt fine. Verbal score went up, math went down. Interestingly, the entire test felt harder this time. For example, both verbal sections felt like they could have been experimental sections (the first verbal section in particular felt really hard -- advanced vocab from beginning to end; a very long and technical science-oriented passage). Weird stuff.
  10. Thanks for the feedback. I suppose you're right. It is certainly disappointing to score 10 points lower than I did on the ETS practice exams, but I guess it'll do (this time around).
  11. Do you still think it's a good idea to retake if the scores won't be officially reported until after application deadlines? I'm fairly confident I can boost my quant, and maybe even my verbal (I didn't study for that, and didn't do anything to prepare for the AW). I got a 168v/150q/(don't yet know AW).
  12. I took it today and got a 168v/150q. I'm seriously considering a retake three weeks from now, even if just to get the quant up to average. On the other hand, maybe I should just work on the writing sample. Hmmm... A 150 just seems unacceptably low, and was much lower than I got on the diagnostics I took. Hmmm...
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