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Everything posted by jezzie05

  1. I just called Stanford Biosciences. I called the Micro and Immuno administrator. She answered and said that the committees were still reviewing applications and they would be done "soon." Based on previous grad cafe result entries, I thought they would send their last emails today, but their answer makes me think they'll continue sending interviews into next week at least. Good luck everyone!
  2. Got a BMS interview at UCSF! Best day of my undergrad career.
  3. Weird thing happened today. Got email from UCSF Tetrad, asking me to complete and submit my application past the deadline, which was Monday. (I initially started applying to Tetrad, but had a change of heart and went with BMS, and you can only apply to one program.) They said they look through the not-submitted apps and decide based on general info (GPA, GRE I guess) whether they want to persuade applicant to complete it. What I'm wondering is why???? Do they not have enough apps already? Bad year for Tetrad, I guess.
  4. So excited to join in! Undergrad Institution: top-5 liberal arts college Major(s): Chemistry GPA in Major: 3.73 Overall GPA: 3.7 Position in Class: top quarter Type of Student: domestic female GRE Scores (revised/old version): Q: 161 / 80% V: 167 / 97% W: 5.5 / 98% Research Experience: 2 years at undergraduate school's lab working 8 hours/week, 12 weeks at UCSF lab, 12 weeks at undergraduate lab one summer Awards/Honors/Recognitions: ASM undergraduate research fellowship Pertinent Activities or Jobs: O-Chem TA, leadership role in Chem department Special Bonus Points: one rec letter is from a long-time UCSF professor that I worked for one summer Applying to Where: UCSF - Biomedical Sciences UC Berkeley - Molecular and Cellular Biology Stanford - Biosciences (Microbiology) U of Washington - Molecular and Cellular Biology UCSD - Biosciences UC Davis - Microbiology Scripps Research Institute - Chemical and Biological Sciences
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