so I've been struggling in the past week trying to figure out where to go, I guess now I am really deciding between the master program from Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies (FES), and a PhD program from CMU's Engineering and Public Policy (EPP).
I am hoping to working in sustainable energy field after graduate school, and the CMU program would probably provide me with a relatively easy path to do so: 4 - 4.5 years to get a PhD and works on policy analysis on energy issues with technical background; the fact that it offers tuition wavier and a full stipend is really tempting! But then comes the offer from Yale, the Forestry school is among the top environmental programs in the country. It supposes to have a excellent faculty and student body, and a strong alumni network. I will get to spend two years to explore different environmental topics before continuing to pursuing a PhD or entering the workforce directly. Even though I can't really study "energy" specifically in Yale FES, they do have a very strong focus on industrial ecology, which to some extent encompass energy topics.
So I think it really comes down to 3 questions, in addition to the fact that I have to pay for my living expenses at Yale, but none for CMU.
1, the name: CMU is a great school, particularly in engineering and science, but overall it does not have the prestige that Yale enjoys as a top Ivy. You guys probably see this question al lot here, but does big name like Yale really help for one's future career? Will I get access to a better network of students, faculty, and alumni if I decide to go to Yale? Are Yale and CMU really that different in their levels of prestige?
2, direction: I am a senior in college right now, so even though I know I want to work on sustainable energy, it is rather broad and I have no idea what exactly I want to study or work on in the future. Thus, in this case, Yale may give me an additional 2-years to try on different courses and projects and help me figure out where my true passion lays? or I can go dive directly in the PhD program in CMU and just wait and say where the project will lead me?
3, time: CMU is 4 to 4.5 years, so I will be ready for the "real world" with my PhD when I am 27-28. Yale's master program is 2 years, from what I gathered it is hard to continue on with a PhD at FES, so if I decided to pursue a PhD somewhere else that means I will be in school for another 4-5 years. It seems like a lot of time investment if I decide to go to Yale. So in the end it is also a choice between 4 yr vs. 7 yr of schooling.
What do you guys think? How should I balance between the 3 questions (or any additional concerns)? Which to you maybe more important?
Thanks a lot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!