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Everything posted by commodork

  1. Not at all! Sorry about the bad news :/ Good luck on the rest! Your strong scores for NSF bode well for your other apps, despite NSF's weird flukes
  2. So I'm pretty sure how it works is each group of reviewers has their own pool, and there can be a certain number of winners/HMs from each pool. So the review scores have no true objective value between review groups, it's your ranking within the group that determines whether you get it or not. Groups may vary in grader strictness and competition. Someone please correct me if I'm making all of this up; I think I read this on here a long time ago, but am having trouble finding it.
  3. Undergrad senior, honorable mention here. VG/VG E/VG E/VG. Pleasantly surprised, all in all. Got some great feedback. Looking forward to applying again next year.
  4. Billy Kimbah!
  5. Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt is hysterical. Or if you want drama, Peaky Blinders.
  6. Me too.. Definitely regret it, but at least I'm way calmer about the whole thing as a result
  7. We should start taking bets on when it'll be up, Hopefully it goes a little better than my bracket this year.
  8. i think we're all collectively losing it at this point
  9. Ph.D. What are your interests? I will do some recon for you!
  10. They are very strong in biomaterials and optics if you are in either of those areas. They seem to have some strong industry ties, if that's your thing. I'm actually headed out to visit this week, I'd be happy to give you the scoop when I get back.
  11. Yeah, agreed here. I haven't necessarily thrown it in abruptly, but I've mentioned that I've applied to professors when it seemed relevant. I've got nothing but "Excellent"'s and "Good for you!"'s when I bring it up. Professors like to see the initiative, and the fact that you might be paid for is obviously huge.
  12. Oh no, don't tell me that
  13. Same here! Not exactly a surprise or disappointment at this point, but it seems like the least they could do is send an email (especially given their inflated application fee..)
  14. Yes, this is how I received my notification. The worst part was the subject line: "Admissions Decision Available." Such a tease. Good luck with the wait!! I hope it's good news!
  15. It's not just a sign of courtesy, he likely meant it. Unless you directly asked him how you did or otherwise put pressure on him to comment on your performance, I think you're safe interpreting that as a good sign.
  16. Seems like they've had an acceptance or two. I'm beginning to think it's time to count them out. Historically, they've sent out acceptances Feb 7-16ish, with rejections coming in March. Hopefully I'm wrong, but I've stopped trying to leave space for a visit there. Good luck, I hope they're just being slow.
  17. From what I've heard, many schools will reconsider admissions decisions if you get NSF GRFP, both because of the money and what it says about your quality as an applicant.
  18. I specifically took less structured classes, cuz I figured this would be a nightmare. For my couple more conventional engineering courses, I'm just planning on putting together a schedule of all my anticipated conflicts and visiting the prof in office hours with it. I'm hoping they'll be more understanding if I'm really proactive and organized about it (and really apologetic as well). Honestly though, I feel like it will be fine. Every professor went through this once, and, in my experience, they looooove being involved in students' application process. I wouldn't sweat it too much, just be responsible about making arrangements.
  19. Dang. How did they contact him/her?
  20. Has anyone heard back from Harvard yet?
  21. WUSTL didn't, which surprised me.
  22. It was yesterday, I had the rally of a lifetime and got it in by 7 PM. Who knows if anything will come of it, but I figured better to take a shot.
  23. Had a professor contact me from a school I didn't get into and mention he may be moving to tech, asking me to apply for this. Dunno how I'm gonna get this done on time with everything else on my plate (school, research), but it seems like too good an offer to pass up. What do yall think?
  24. Hello everyone, just joining the conversation here as well. How's everyone holding together?
  25. That's a really great thoughtful touch. I ended up going with a small Starbucks card as well as chocolate covered pretzels from my hometown (probably the best chocolate covered pretzel ever made, in my humble opinion)
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