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Posts posted by heyheythrowaway24

  1. Thank you so much everyone!


    Sugata Ray is definitely someone I'd love to work with, and I'm very interested in Nanchiket's work as well! These are all great suggestions, and a wonderful resource to begin my research. 


    I know there's absolutely no way of knowing this, i.put.the.phd, but would you be able to hazard an approximate guess at how many applicants there typically are to the most popular programs? I imagine nowhere near the number who apply to the other fields, but keeping in mind that there are far fewer options to chose from...


    Thanks again for all your suggestions!

  2. Herro fwends!


    Currently an M.A. student in the U.K. at SOAS, looking at doing my PhD in South Asian Art in the US. Wondering if anyone knows what the good programs are? UPenn has Michael Meister, so I'm def applying there, and I hear that Cornell is pretty great too :) Any further suggestions? Thanks, y'all

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