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Everything posted by Rho

  1. @commodork Yeah once the department accepts you they send their recommendation to the Graduate office and they will verify that you comply with all the graduate requirements. I see this step as a formality. Anyway you're all good Congrats!
  2. Undergrad Institution: Public. Small, with a grad school but no dept in BME Major(s): Physics and Applied Mathematics Minor(s): GPA in Major: ~3.7 Overall GPA: 3.40 Length of Degree: 5 yrs Double Major Position in Class: I have no idea. Type of Student: Hispanic male, first-generation college. GRE Scores: Q: 155 V: 155 W: 3.0 Research Experience: 1 summer with mathematics dept at current Univerisity 1 summer at ASU computational math biology. 1.5 yrs with physics PI doing image analysis with Two-Photon Fluorescence Microscope Awards/Honors/Recognitions: NSF sponsored scholarship only for physics majors Dean's List (4x) Two Conference presentations with one outstanding award Applied to GEM Fellowship for next fall Pertinent Activities or Jobs: Undergraduate Physics tutor Any Miscellaneous Accomplishments that Might Help: Minority & first-generation college student Took graduate course in mathematical physics LOR: Current advisor & PI / Summer PI from Math Research / PI for scholarship and had for 2 upper division courses and 1 grad course Applying for PhD at: Northwestern UT Austin Texas A&M Comments: I don't think I have a good chance due to low GRE scores and had monetary issues, thus only applying to three school. I still want to give it a try because you never know. Already accepted into masters program for physics at current university "safety school" Research interest are in image processing/analyzes Sending good vibes!
  3. Yeah I applied for the regular deadline. I haven't heard anything. I found the link for last year's GEM discussion in case anyone is interested.
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