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Everything posted by amaa

  1. I am in a very similar situation. I went on six interviews and have been accepted at one school, waitlisted at another, and am waiting to hear from others. The school I was accepted into was not at the top of my list as far as research interests go and it is geographically extremely far, so I am thinking of applying again next year, too! I couldn't disagree more with the above response. I am sure that may be a good philosophy for some, but as for me, I don't think of getting into graduate school as picking up cash from the floor. Getting into graduate school is much like getting into a relationship with someone for the next 5-6 years. Do you want that to be an amazing relationship or a mediocre one? Are you willing to get rejected a second time? Will you have regrets if you didn't try harder down the line? Maybe. I know I will, so I am applying again. I would be happier waiting a year, getting more experience, publishing another paper, and trying my very, very hardest to get into schools that I LOVE! That's just me though. The way I think of it, if they want to reject you a second time, then so be it, at least you gave it your all!! The decision is completely up to you, don't let others tell you what you should or should not do. Make sure you are ready to get into a relationship with the right graduate school, the right PI, and the right research match! It's like picking Mr. Right vs. Mr. Right now. To me, it sounds like your new experiences are wonderful and will help increase the chances of you getting in! I wish you the best of luck!
  2. I would consult with another professor before making a decision here! But my advise would be to ask him for an extension! If he says no extensions allowed (which it would be weird if he did) then just tell him you accept the offer and if you do get in somewhere better, kindly let him know and decline
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