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Everything posted by gtakaoka

  1. So after months of complete silence, I got a suuuuper late acceptance to OSU. Turns out I was floating around on their waitlist. Would have been nice to know something a little earlier... I ended up accepting the offer to University of Maryland. DC-bound! Best wishes to everyone who is still deciding, and to everyone who will be applying next year.
  2. Ah, okay. So just to clarify, you've received some sort of communication via email or otherwise with a funding offer? Just making sure that's what you meant
  3. I've been awol from the forum for a bit, but was curious to know whether anyone who was accepted to UPenn have heard back about funding. I've narrowed my decision down to two schools and the choice is basically killing me at the moment, so I've been avoiding gradcafe a bunch. Hope everyone else's decisions are going well!
  4. Question for some of you who might be doing "accepted student" school visits (or anyone with an opinion on it)- What are your thoughts regarding taking significant others along during open studio/open house events? On the one hand, I want my partner to be able to check out the campus, etc. On the other hand, perhaps it's best to go on my own since they're doing tours/happy hour/stuff like that and I'm not sure if it would be awkward, or how formal things would be. Has anyone come up against this yet? When I did informal school visits and toured various departments, I definitely ditched the s.o. and let him fend for himself for an hour and it was fine. The open studio event I'm attending next week, however, is a multi-day affair with a lot of stuff planned. Would love to hear what some of you think!
  5. Ah, okay. Does your application status read "pending" on your OSU portal? Thank you for the additional info!
  6. bb123, can I ask how you found out that you were waitlisted at OSU? My application status has read "pending" forever and I'm going bonkers. I know acceptances went out, so no feeble hopes on my end, but I am bummed about being in limbo with zero word.
  7. Well gee willikers, I got into The Slade in London! ...With noooooooo funding. But it's neat to know I got in.
  8. Best wishes for your interview! Enjoy our mutant February Summer weather, haha
  9. For the schools I have been accepted to, two of them included funding info in the letter and one gave me the "we're just starting to look at the funding info right now" answer. So I guess it varies.
  10. How were you notified? And congrats
  11. Thank headinspace and @MrBixler! Headinspace, it was a little scary actually. I had a missed call from Josh Mosley around 6pm my time on Tuesday night (which was 9pm Pennsylvania time) and by the time I got the message it was too late to call back. The message just said that he wanted to have a brief chat with me and to call him back. I did not manage to touch base with him until the following evening so I spent a whole day freaking out about whether I got in, or they were calling about an application error/missing transcript, or I don't know what. But yeah. The "TL;DR" version is that I heard by phone.
  12. Honestly, I would email the program and ask if you're unsure. It's not a stupid question, and you can even explain in the email that different schools seem to have very different expectations as far as what to bring to the interview so you just want to make sure. There's no way they'll go "well, you should just know the answer to that!"...and then you'll have the answer for anyone else who's going to interview at Hunter and you'll be a hero :).
  13. Soooo I got unofficial word today that I got into UPenn! No word on funding yet, though. @looingk glad your interview went well with UW!
  14. Thanks @Relm! Edit: Whoa Relm, just saw that you got into UIUC!! Congrats!
  15. Just got notification that I was accepted to University of Maryland, College Park! Now to decipher the funding letter...
  16. Hi M14, I can't speak for the interview experience at MICA specifically, but there's a list of potential interview questions that has been floating around and I added it to the 2016 Interview thread on this forum. It might help to review some of those :). Some people added tips and wardrobe advice as well. Hope this helps!
  17. Pretty sure that because of this same phenomenon, my site went from nowhereville to the first page of Google.
  18. I am not sure for Rutgers! I received a rejection email several days ago, so I would say that if you have not received a rejection, you could still be in the running No clue on UCI though. Edit: also, thanks @dryheat for the insight on OSU!
  19. Has anyone on this thread heard back from OSU after their interview with drawing and painting faculty? I am in the same boat and it's been a while so I've been assuming a rejection is on its way :/.
  20. Congratulations!!
  21. Sending good vibes your way!! Remember that you've already made a good impression on them, since they asked you to interview in the first place :).
  22. Rejected from Rutgers via an email asking me to check my admissions portal. The grad school gods must have heard me complaining about their silence earlier today! Now sitting here wondering how I will feel about going to grad school if only one school accepts me and all of the others kick me to the curb.What if the one school made a bad judgement call? ....And this is why no gradcafe after midnight should be a rule for me ;).
  23. I am so confused about Rutgers. It seems like people last year were getting rejections all the way into early March; other people are getting interview requests and then some people last year got in sans interview. What the heck does their selection process look like- are they basically playing repeated rounds of some kind of "kiss/marry/kill" with our apps? I'm more intrigued than frustrated at this point. And now we're headed into a three or four-day weekend for most schools...preparing myself for what will feel like an eternity of silence.
  24. Oh, lord. I haven't sent any. What is an appropriate length of time to wait before sending a thank you email (and how long it too long to wait, haha)? I was not sure of whether to initiate any contact afterward since I was unsure of whom to email in one case, and the interviews were just the short ten-minuters, so I am still fairly convinced that if I am at "nobody" status still. Gawd I hope they don't expect to hear thank you emails and put a big red circle around the eff-ups who didn't.
  25. What's the deal with "thank you" emails after the interview? That's something I hadn't given any thought to until coming across it in last year's MFA thread. Great, more crap to worry about.
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