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Everything posted by Ani92
Congrats on getting into 3!! 15th April is right around the corner. You're probably on the waitlist. I'm sure it'll all work out (or thats what I tell myself coz even thinking about grad school makes me wanna crawl in a hole and never come out)
I got an email from the POI talking about the masters program and soon after an official rejection for PhD from the program director but they recommended MS admission. The email clearly states I need to officially apply, email them to transfer the documents from PhD to MS and then they will give a "positive recommendation for MS" admission and that they're giving me until April end to make decision. Does this mean I'm in for masters?! Or can I still be rejected? I've re-read ALL correspondence with POI re-read the decision from the program director and I think I'm reading wayyy too much into it. Please help me grad folks!
I got an email from the POI talking about the masters program and soon after an official rejection for PhD from the program director but they recommended MS admission. The email clearly states I need to officially apply, email them to transfer the documents and then they will give a positive recommendation for Masters admission and that they're giving me until April end to make decision. Does this mean I'm in for masters?! Or can I still be rejected? I've re-read ALL correspondence with POI re-read the decision from the program director and I'm reading wayyy too much into it. Help!
I"M GOING TO GRAD SCHOOL!!! *passes out*
I've applied to biosciences/ biomath/ computational bio programs. Some schools may not even interview you, just accept you outright? I actually got an email today and got one acceptance!! (I'm FREAKING OUT SO HAPPY about it, even though its not my first choice) I think I'm gonna wait till last week of March and start calling them. It could also be that people who haven't heard back are on a waitlist and schools just don't care enough to let us know..
Whens the latest you can expect to get accepted? So far, Ive heard nothing about acceptances. ITS ALMOST MARCH and I'm freaking out!!!
Anyone hear from UCI for MCSB program yet? I'm debating emailing them..
Thanks you guys! I think I need to be a bit more patient and wait it out. NO MORE OVER-ANALYZING!!!
How long do you guys wait until emailing your POI? Has anyone emailed their POI when you've heard nothing from the school? Or are you planning on waiting till March?
I just got an email from one of my top choices, cue the mini-heart attack. Turns out it was just notifying me, your application is ready for departmental review. Does that mean its gone through the admissions committee and reached the department or does the department review it before the admissions committee. Either way, I'm gonna hear the decision... "soon" to quote the damn email. Kill. Me.
I got an email from GMU taht I'll hear from them soon, Its not an acceptance or a rejection but I've been analyzing every little word on it for the last week now!!!
So o just got an email from George mason, that my applocation is in queue and they will be in touch with me. What does that mean? Good news? Bad news? This feels like saying, reading too much into every little thing you get from the school.
I majored in Bio and minored in math. I'm only one thesis short of a math major. I thought had a strong application. But the two rejections kinda sting. I'm sure I'll get in somewhere, hopefully, maybe. Congrats to you on getting interviews though!!
I got two rejections :( . I'm scared.
My research interests are virology and mathematical modeling. I've applied to mathematical biology/ math and comp bio/ virology/ math departments. Mostly departments with profs whose research is in mathematical virology. Its for a PhD of course. I haven't gotten a single email from the schools yet so not sure when I'll hear back :/
I couldn't find anything about comp and mathbio on grad cafe so I'm starting this. I'm CRAZY worried about fall 2015. I'm applying for PhD. in mathbio in the very few universities its offered in. This is kind of my shout out for all my fellow mathematical biologists, which schools ahve you applied to? Heard anything back yet? Are ya'll as scared and panicky as I am?