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Posts posted by kurayamino

  1. Welcome erosanddust! And congrats on the acceptance as well. :)


    Your interests listed in your signature sound really great! Do you study cultural effects of war in post-WWII literature, or is that just a temporal place holder? Just asking because despite my eighteenth century focus, I have a deep fondness for that time period and how people handled the after effects of war.

  2. I know I've been feeling unmotivated lately (which is unfortunate since I'm in my final semester before graduating with my BA), so I turned to the video that I watched a few times during my own personal writing sample debacle. I'm sure some of you probably know of this, or at least of zefrank. There is an f-bomb in there, if you're sensitive to that sort of thing.




    Hopefully this will help anyone else who may be having a hard time getting things done while waiting.

  3. Sometimes I catch myself berating myself for even applying because "obviously, you are not qualified or intelligent enough to get a PhD"...fearing that my professors and mentors and other advisors have just been saying nice things to avoid hurting me. I realize that is completely irrational, and that my professors would have steered me away from applying to top programs in my field if my anxious self-deprecating thoughts were true, but it is so difficult to anchor one's self in reality when obsessing over applications and chances and the future easily take over (especially during a break).


    Yes, I think this is very important to keep in mind. Your mentors and advisors are there to help you make the best decisions. This is what has helped me through some rough nights.

  4. I did get into Vanderbilt, but I didn't submit my results this time around, so idk who the commenter was. I was travelling when I got my acceptance. I do understand where everyone is coming from about the tone-deafness of the comment. But I've always been the kind of person who, when I was confronted with something bothersome, tried my very best to avoid that bothersome thing so it wouldn't bother me anymore?


    (By the way, what does SLAC mean? Google is giving me four different options.)


    Congrats!! I have a friend at Vanderbilt who really loves it there. I mean, Nashville is just such an awesome town. :)

  5. Yeah... I'm sorry, but I'm afraid I agree with hypervodka on this one. I read through GC last year and the forums started to get meaner as people who hadn't heard back and were tense and cranky began to pick on people who had already gotten in - saying they were selfish to ask for help choosing BETWEEN acceptances when some people hadn't gotten any yet, stuff like that.

    While I understand that it can be off-putting to hear someone describe their accomplishments, we did all recently agree that more rather than less information would be nice on the results board. Maybe this person was trying to be helpful! And even if not, the people who post results are still human... If they were to read over this thread they'd find themselves being called a pompous, unintelligible troll. How could they be part of our community after that?

    Ultimately the forum should support us all - in winning and losing. Public mockery of any person, whatever they've said, is not support.


    I agree and I have to say, I'm ashamed for my small part of it. It did strike me the wrong way, but I think I'm just a bundle of nerves. This one time will, I hope, serve as a reminder to be more forgiving of what people post in the throes of happiness. I wish us all that same happiness. Thank you, hypervodka and hreaðemus for bringing me to my senses :)


    All I want is this for all of us:



  6. It doesn't come off as nasty to me, but it's possible. I don't think anyone who is stuck in the limbo of waiting is necessarily sane, whether they check the results forum or not.

    Aside from that, hubris in all it's forms is probably something we should all be careful about. I apologize though if what I said came off as snarky in any way, it wasn't my intent. I think we're all in for wake up calls in grad school.

  7. I refuse to believe that person said that with any sincerity. They must be trolling... which is particularly nasty considering the tense atmosphere at this point! 


    Or perhaps I just can't comprehend someone writing that about themselves unless they looked like this...



    I have run out of positive vibes, but this was just what I needed. :D

  8. This is a question I've been debating for the past couple of days: what constitutes an "implied rejection." In reading threads from this time last year, there was much furor over people declaring an "implied rejection" far too early. I agreed last week...but now that I have an official rejection under my belt, and have seen some acceptances to places I applied to (that have yet to update my status or respond etc.), I can't deny that it's tempting to assume rejection. I think it speaks to something psychological: it's easier to cope with something definitive than it is to cope with something tenuous. If I assume that U. of Chicago and Vanderbilt aren't getting back to me, I can just focus on looking forward to the other fourteen programs I applied to, as opposed to nervously wondering about those two.


    Still, I'm not going to count them completely out until I hear back from them. It's just that I think the chances are far slimmer than they were already (and they were slim to begin with...)

    Yeah, I presume rejection from Chicago and Berkeley, but I'm saving a small kernel of possibility just in case. After all, people do decline, wait listers can receive other options, and paths can open up. However, it is a struggle to remain positive sometimes!

  9. It's possible...and you're right. I'm being premature in my assumption that I'm not getting in there. I have to admit though, after a full day of being happy about all the good news, my hopes crashed pretty hard last night and I wound up just going to bed instead of "wallowing in my own confused and insecure delusions" (an upvote to anyone who correctly guesses that quote without Googling).


    This process really takes its toll.


    I completely agree WT. I think it's just the nature of both this process and the human mind. In the daytime things always look better, but at night the creeping self-doubt starts. I had a pretty rough night of sleep myself, but it's now daytime and I'm telling myself (and you by extension!) that it really is still early days.


    Also, I believe that's from 46 & 2 by Tool ;)

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