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Posts posted by rojodo

  1. One of the advisers thought it was a good idea and offered some times he could be able to meet! Should I also contact the admissions office as well to notify them that I'll be coming by? I'm nervous that they'll decide to have an interview after all, and it'll be after I come by to visit?

  2. Hey everybody,

    I applied to a program at UCLA. While they haven't made decisions yet, I applied to a similar program at Berkeley where the chair informed me that I was one of their top applicants (unfortunately I was rejected due to the very small cohort they did accept :/). By the looks of it, UCLA won't send out their admissions decisions until late February to March, but it sounds like that I have a good chance of being accepted.

    I was planning on visiting my partner in the area this February, and I am considering touching base with the PIs I applied to work with to see if I could speak with them. I'd like a feel for their campus and to meet some people from the program one-to-one just in the case that I am accepted. Note that this program doesn't do interviews.

    Would it be appropriate to do this? In the past, I've gotten good results by reaching out to my POIs but I don't know if asking about a visit is coming on too strong. It could be beneficial as well...Any thoughts?

  3. Hey everybody,


    I applied to a program and have been in regular contact with the PI I applied to work with for the past few months. Through my conversations, a scheduled phone call with both the chair of the doctoral studies and the potential PI resulted for this upcoming Monday. This program does not do formal interviews, and the potential PI told me to treat the phone call like an interview. Today, however, I received a rejection email to the program...I'm so confused.


    I'm not sure how to proceed from here. Do I continue with the phone calls? Do I assume the email was a mistake? Do I inquire about it during the phone call? Help!

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