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  • Application Season
    2015 Fall
  • Program
    PhD Comp/Rhet

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  1. Ack, that is so many waitlists! I'm realizing now that the WL is both a blessing and a curse. I hope your path clears up before April 15th! Also, one week until CCCCs! I hope everyone is totally prepared for their panels/presentations. *is totally not prepared for her panel*
  2. My go-to when stressed is Castle -- so that's basically all I've been watching since the applI cation season started. Nathan Fillion's antics just make me happy.
  3. This is beyond wonderful! It should be a thing everywhere. I shall try to institute it wherever I go...when I am no longer a first year.
  4. I, too, started in science (physics and science journalism). I originally came to English in hopes of doing a creative nonfiction specialization to hone my feature writing skills. And in my MA's intro research methods course I discovered discourse analysis and never ever looked back. Like LCB said, I love the interdisciplinary nature of R/C. I can be both science minded and humanities minded, which just fills my split-brained personality with a lot of joy. I also do love teaching and pedagogy -- which is another reason I like R/C. I feel like I am fully encouraged to do my own science literacy research AND pedagogy research. It's a lot of both/and and not so much either/or. Also, R/C people are amazing!
  5. Congratulations, foucyeah! What's your research interest?
  6. Yeah, the original Chronicle article about this interviewed a Dean(?) of UW-Steven's Point, and he said the same thing. A flagship can weather the storm; smaller schools are in for a world of hurt. And the same for all the k-12 schools, that I'm sure will be hit by a trickle down by this. So many programs are going to be cut -- especially outreach ones, I would think. That's so terrible! I hope that at least gets sorted out. I know that the issue of tenure is a major facet of what's to change if the budget cuts/full separation of UW from the state government actually goes through. I do so hope people in TT jobs don't suddenly have their world pulled from under them.
  7. I was pretty shocked by how big the list of emails was when they were coordinating the welcome weekend thing. So that number might not really be too far off.
  8. So I've been accepted to two Wisconsin schools and am super stoked to go tour the campuses. But I have to admit that Gov. Walker is making me very nervous as far as the future of the universities and funding are concerned. I've been reading a ton of articles, but I was wondering if there any Wisconsiners (Wisconsinites?) on the board here who might be able to give a more candid insight to the atmosphere of the universities. Is it really something I should be worried about or is it being blown out of poeportion by the media?
  9. Legit, I am on a one-woman crusade to figure out how to stop schools from even accepting the GRE. It is a hellbeast that needs to be put down. Would going to a conference be possible? Sometimes it's nice to put a face to a name, and if you could stalk POIs in person, that might help? And if you are still in school, do you have access to the writing center? I went obsessively during SOP writing and writing sample polishing. Having a great WC consultant was great not only to improve my samples, but also because she often talked me back off the ledge. I needed as many of those ledge talker-backers as I could get in my life during application season!
  10. I for one am flabbergasted that 1200 people applied to an MS program! Is that like the top program in field? Ug, what a nightmare for them!
  11. I echo all the In Hac said. I am also finishing my second MA. My first was in science writing/journalism. For me, going to a straight English program for a second MA was really helpful. I got teaching experience, lots more research stuff for my CV, and a better idea of just what i wanted to do for my research focus(es). I would definitely say go for one that is funded, but my experience at this MA was super rewarding.
  12. Congrats to Hannalore and morristr!!
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