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Everything posted by ráiméis15

  1. I'm at UCLA. Heels aren't a great idea, especially if the department arranges a campus tour (can't remember if that happens at welcome week, orientation, or both). As others have mentioned, UCLA is pretty hilly. Dark jeans, nice blouse/light sweater (I'd avoid a t-shirt, but nothing incredibly fancy), and flats will be almost definitely be fine. If you want to err on the side of dressier, substitute black pants for jeans. Casual dress or skirt is also fine, but that raises the heel/flat question again. A suit would be WAY overkill. Plan for temperatures somewhere between 60-75 during the day; if it's "cold"(I know, midwesterners, I know) temps may drop into high fifties at night. <--I mention this only because the department reception is outdoors. See you all in March-- and congrats!
  2. FWIW, the number of students accepted vs target cohort size can (and often does) differ considerably. In my experience, acceptance/rejection emails often mention the number of funded spots rather than the total number of acceptances. The programs I visited during my application year (Fall 2013), including the one I currently attend, all accepted significantly more students than they thought would come. Most schools have a good sense of their yield rates, and can strategically over-admit without too much of a problem. While this does carry some risk--as lyonessrampant notes--this is still a very common practice. All this to say: visiting weekends can be a good time to get a better sense of the number of acceptances. Though not everyone can make any given open house, you can usually get a decent idea of how many students were accepted.
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